Next evoke Ararimu clinics:
Sunday 27th May
Sunday 24th June
Have you ever gone to a chiropractor, felt worse after your adjustment, and never gone back? It’s really important to understand how chiropractic works, before deciding that it hasn’t worked for you.
For many who haven’t had a history of chiropractic care, the amount of stress and tension stored up in your spine over your lifetime can be significant. You may be symptomatic, and in many more instances, you may feel like nothing is wrong. Depending on the stress in your life (not just physical, but emotional and chemical as well), every individual can respond differently and at different rates to care.
An adjustment is more than creating ease in an area of dysfunction – your whole body responds and adjusts to the change. Built up toxins are released, subluxated areas of your spine that have not been working are suddenly having to work again, and other compensating and overworking areas, are not having to work as hard. For some, the change is a relief. For others, it can be accompanied by some discomfort. Either way, your body is working hard to release chronic patterns of tension, and to evolve to a greater level of adaptability and health.
Creating health in your body through a well functioning nervous system is a process. It is not a quick fix. Your body is intelligent and change is how it best learns to adapt. Trust in the process. From our experience, we believe that chiropractic can truly make a difference to the health of anyone and everyone.