Barangay Matucay is located at about five kilometers away from the Municipality of Allacapan, Province of Cagayan. It is bounded on the North by Barangay Nanappatan, a part of Aparri West District. It is bounded on the East by Barangay Tamboli, with Linao River aas the jurisdiction; and bounded on the South by Barangay Bulo. LAND AREA
Matucay has a total land area of mor
e or less 799.6558 hectares. The total agricultural land is 280 hectares; residential lot is approximately 58.868 hectares, 5 hectares for commercial, 2 hectares for institution and 51.7878 light forests w/c are planted with coconut, fruit trees, vegetables and corn.
It shows that the barangay has a total population of 2,451 with 1,201 males and 1,250 females. And it has a total of 501 households. The barangay is dominated by Ilocanos consisting of 90% of the total population, with a considerable number of other dialect and various religions but Aglipayan has the highest number of members. SOCIO-ECONOMIC
The main source of income of residents in the barangay is farming, wherein, 45% of the populace whose age ranging from 15-45 are farm laborers, 15% are government employees, 25% are self-employed like carpenters, drivers, welders, sewers, 10% are businessmen and 5% are OFWs. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION
Barangay Matucay is divided into seven zones, wherein every zone is assigned one Sangguniang Barangay. A teacher coordinator is also assigned to every zone/purok. The Punong Barangay being the Executive is the Chairman of the Legislative Body. LIGHTING
There are 400 houses energized with electricity and others are still using kerosene and about 2% are using rechargeable batteries. EDUCATION
The Barangay has an Elementary School with a total of more than 500 pupils, some of whom are from adjacent barangays. It also has a Secondary School, a Day Care Center assisted by the DSWD and a Kindergarten School assisted by the DepEd. Barangay Matucay has abundant potentials for agricultural products such as vegetables, fruit trees, root crops, fishponds, coconut trees, corn and palay. Livelihood projects are also available in the barangay as additional source of income for interested and resourceful individuals. HOUSING FACILITIES
There are 501 dwelling units in the barangay. The types of houses vary from permanent and semi-permanent classification. IT IS FUN TO BE A MATUCAYENYO, I AM PROUD OF MY LAND, MY HOME NOT ONLY FOR PRODUCING WELL-ROUNDED CITIZENS, BUT FOR HAVING GOD-FEARING AND HOSPITABLE FAMILIES. :)