Olermo-Villarojo Medical Clinic is a Primary Care Clinic providing the following services (GENERAL MEDICINE, INTERNAL MEDICINE, WELLNESS/HOLISTIC HEALTH):
I. General Medical Services For Family Care (Seniors, Adults, Adolescents, Children, Pregnant)
A. General Check-up/Consultation (Screening Consult and Wellness Assessment)
B. Medical Consultation, Management and Continual Care
1. Monitoring and continual assessment of comorbid conditions - Hypertension, Diabetes, Kidney Diseases, Stroke, Cardiac Problem, etc.
2. Prescription and Refill of maintenance medicines
3. Diabetes and Renal Diseases, Heart Disease, others ; and antibiotic infusion (with prescription)
4. Minor emergency management and procedures for Hypertensive Crisis, Hyper- and hypoglycemic Episodes, Asthma Attack, Wound management
C. Medical Clearance: Pre-operative Assessment (Ophtha cases - Cataract surgical treatment; minor or major surgery)
D. Medical Certification and Clearance: Consult,
Employment-related, School-related, Employment
Sickness Leave, government compliance-related, etc. E. Pre-Employment Medical Assessment and
II. Preventive Health Management Services
A. Vaccination-Flu, Pneumonia, Tetanus, Rabies, Hepatitis, others
B. Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar/Blood Cholesterol/Weight Monitoring and Management
C. Diagnostic Tests: Complete Blood Tests sent out, Urinalysis, ECG, for screening or monitoring
III. Minor Procedures/Emergency Services
A. Nebulization
B. IV Therapy
C. Wound Dressing and Suturing
D. Administration of Emergency Medicines for Minor Medical Emergencies
E. Others
IV. Specialty Consults
We also provide Specialty Consults (*General Internal Medicine) for:
1. Hypertension and Heart Disease (Congestive Heart Failure, Arrhythmia, Angina)
2. Asthma, COPD, Pulmonary Diseases
3. Stroke, Seizures, Neuro disorders
4. Diabetes Mellitus
5. Thyroid Disorder, Endocrine Diseases
6. Hepatitis, Ulcer, Pancreatitis, Gallstones, other Gastroenteral Diseases
7. Kidney Stones, other Nephro Diseases
8. Anemia, Arthritis, Other General Medical Conditions
A. Case to case Home Consultation for bedridden patients
B. General Counselling (Mental Wellness/Spiritual
We will be pleased to be of service to you!