Just as food required for human life, so there must be a companion to make the body healthy not only inside but also outside. Gab Hygienic Products did make further studies and experimentations so as to produce that would make the body healthy and free from diseases. Gab Hygienic Products includes the following: Healthy Anti-bacterial Liquid Hand Soap, Anti-bacterial Hand San
itizer and likewise, could you believe, the anti-bacterial Cologne & perfume
Filipinos are known for their colonial mentalities, meaning they prefer to buy products coming from other countries. They believe that products manufactured abroad are durable, not all Filipinos can afford to buy products coming from abroad and therefore there must be a way to find solutions to let Filipinos buy and promote Filipino products. With this colonial mentality, the producers of Mr. Gab Hygienic Products introduced three of their production, the anti-bacterial liquid hand soap, sanitizer cologne & perfume
The anti-bacterial liquid hand soap is thick in nature with pearlizing agent, moisturizer to make the hands fell tender, a scent pleasing to air and most of all with anti-bacterial solution. The liquid hand soaps are bottle with attractive containers, with different colors and the producers are happy that these products of Mr. Gab are affordable and anyone can buy a bottle affordable at a low price competing the products manufactured abroad. Now the health of Filipinos can be protected from diseases with the use of Mr. Gab Liquid Hand Soap with anti-bacterial. On the other hand, the producers of Mr. Gab Hygienic Products have introduced the much awaited Cologne and perfumes. They are not just ordinary products but the wonder of them are manufactured with lasting odor with pure oil, leaving a wonderful scent and moisturizer. The Cologne and perfumes have beautiful attractive bottles. There are many kinds according to the taste of Filipino. The prices of these products are reasonable and now Filipino can remove their colonial mentalities knowing Filipino can do better.