Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita AMC - Philippines is 16, 2020 ,where my AMaCing Journey also started 👶:)
This is me when i was born 36 weeks in gestation , !!!
Born in this world in a Frank Breech Position, when i was too excited and came out via normal delivery, (where i was supposed to be in C-section) 😂yes !!! The world meets my butt First 😂
My mom was shocked seeing me like Zombie 🧟🧟🧟😂
Unbended Arms ,Flexed wrist, Tight fingers where my Thumb facing in toward my palm, my legs is in upward cross legs position with my bilateral cavus foot on right and a bit bilateral clubfeet in left side. , (My Mom was not that happy seeing me like that and she was so worried :'( )
After my birth, Doctors performed several X-rays and tests on me trying to find was going on,,until the rehab doctor came up and told my mom that i have Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita x Erbs Palsy on my Left Arm,
ℹ️What is arthrogryposis?
, also called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), is a term used to describe a variety of conditions involving multiple joint contractures (or stiffness). A contracture is a condition where the range of motion of a joint is limited. It may be unable to fully or partially extend or bend.
ℹ️What are the causes of arthrogryposis?
The is unknown, although arthrogryposis is thought to be related to inadequate room in utero and low amniotic fluid. The patient may have an underlying neurological condition or connective tissue disorder.
ℹ️What is Erbs Palsy?
Erb's palsy is a paralysis of the arm caused by injury to the upper group of the arm's main nerves, specifically the severing of the upper trunk C5–C6 nerves. These form part of the brachial plexus, comprising the ventral rami of spinal nerves C5–C8 and thoracic nerve T1.
And at that very moment my mom was so curious and devastated after hearing those UNKNOWN RARE KIND OF DISORDER and those heartbreaking explation by the doctors my mom's imagination is on fire 😂
Lots of question on her mind😂😂 After that very moment, She didnt waste single second of a time.
She did research and trying to look help for cure,
She looks for people who has the same condition with me and finally found the ARTHROGRYPOSIS groups which give her a lot of ideas and knowledge..And all of them has a very great life and living it to the fullest 😊 Thanks to this group for giving positive thoughts and ideas to my Mom. 👍👍👍
So that's where my story begins my AMaCing Journey & AMC Philippines was born 😊