LIGTAS ANG MAY ALAM: Illegal Drug Awareness
(Drug abuse and addiction). For variety of reasons, people experiment drugs. Most of people first try drugs out of curiosity or for fun. A fun time, because friends are doing it just to increase physical performance, or to make things easier. Stress, worry, or sadness are example problem why people tend to used illegal drugs.
Mostly student or teenagers are involve of using illegal drugs but the question is; Are they aware of using illegal drugs? Are they aware what they do? This concept paper gives information about illegal drugs and the impact of using drugs to user’s or person’s life.
This project aims to provide or raising awareness of using illegal drugs and to take action against drugs addiction. As well as to educate and motivate youth to reject illegal drugs. Preventing drug usage and encouraging occasional users to stop is part of this goal.
Since first until now Anti-Drugs campaigns have been legal for years, but only the most recent president has given them significant attention. This concept paper describes various results as well as the advantages of the campaign. Drug awareness will aims to educate all users and non-users of drugs. We can prevent risk and harmful effect of illegal drugs if we are fully aware of what we are doing. For giving a motivation to all teens not just teens but all of people who are using and non-using of illegal drugs we can give them awareness since it’s not too late. There is not particular point at which drugs use progresses from use to abuse. Difficult to casual, individuals experience it differently. Less important than the quality of drugs used is much to do with the kind of drugs used, the impact of using drugs to our lives has a big crisis specially for the student who used it and tend to be an addict.
Drug addiction symptoms or behaviors include, among others; Feeling that you have to use the drug regularly — daily or even several times a day.Having intense urges for the drug that block out any other thoughts. Over time, needing more of the drug to get the same effect. Taking larger amounts of the drug over a longer period of time than you intended. Making certain that you maintain a supply of the drug. Spending money on the drug, even though you can’t afford it. Not meeting obligations and work responsibilities, or cutting back on social or recreational activities because of drug use. Continuing to use the drug, even though you know it’s causing problems in your life or causing you physical or psychological harm. Doing things to get the drug that you normally wouldn’t do, such as stealing. Driving or doing other risky activities when you’re under the influence of the drug. Spending a good deal of time getting the drug, using the drug or recovering from the effects of The drug. Failling in your attempts to stop using the drug. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to stop taking the drug.
There is no guaranteed way to prevent drug use in an individual. However, there are a number of things that can be done to help prevent substance abuse and addiction.
1 )Don’t Give In To Peer Pressure
2) Develop close family ties
3) Learn coping mechanisms
4) Abstinence
5) Education
6) Live A Healthy Well Balanced Life
7) Take Time For Yourself
8) Employ Mindfulness Activities
9) Only Use Prescribed Medication
10) Get Professional Help
Whether you use drugs frequently or infrequently, if it is producing issues in your life, such as at work. (LIGTAS ANG MAY ALAM). We can save our future if we can open our mind towards the awareness we get and expand our knowledge to be more educated.
The estimated budget for the project is more or less 50-100 pesos for the things needed like load, it also used social media platforms and internet connection to publish this paper, and for the campaigns to be conducted personally we will used the things we need like one of these is projector, so that we can give enough information to the people specially the student who are first targeted of this paper.