International Alternative Medical Council (IAMC) Pakistan is established under section 58(1) of the Act.1932 (I.C.T.A) Government of Pakistan
Chartered and Approved by the senate of Scientific Awareness, Descriptive, Research & Invention Foundation duly registered under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860 (Literary & Scientific Institutions) and Society for Awareness, Development, Research
& Invention is also registered under the voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration & Control) Ordinance XLVI of 1961 Government of the Punjab-Pakistan
one of the largest open international distance learning institutions and a premier council in the field of alternative / complementary medicine and health promotion
provides a complete range of distance learning programs in Alternative Medicine, Unani, Ayurvedic (Science of the Life), Herbal Spagyric Science, Electropathy/ Electro Homoeopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Holistic Medicine, Nutritional Medicine, Naturopathy, Cupping Therapy, Massage/Touch Therapy, Hydropathy/Hydrotherapy, Magnatic Therapy, Radisthesia, Reiki, Oriental Medicine, Acupressure, Reflexology, Chiropracter and Chromotherapy unmatched and unrivaled by any other heeling way that is recognized by United Nation & World Health Organization (WHO). International Alternative Medical Council (IAMC) Pakistan Chartered and Approved by the senate of Scientific Awareness, Descriptive, Research & Invention Foundation duly registered under the Societies Rigistration Act. XXI of 1860 (Literary & Scietific Institions) is also Internationally affiliated/accredited/collaboration with Mooreland University, State of Main-USA,International Holistic Medical Society (IHMS) & American Nutritional Medical Association (ANMA) Inc.USA, that is established in Aurora Colorado in 1983, and Incorporated in 1984 as a non-profit 501(c)3 educational institution. Since its founding almost 8 years ago, International Alternative Medical Council (IAMC) Pakistan has been at the forefront of two of the most important revolutions of our time: the emergence of alternative, natural healthcare practices in the mainstream and the rise of distance education. The natural health revolution has changed the way people look at healthcare and has empowered individuals to take responsibility for their own health by learning more about caring for the body naturally. The distance learning revolution, which made education more accessible and more affordable, has enabled International Alternative Medical Council (IAMC) Pakistan to bring this powerful knowledge to a new generation of Natural Health Enthusiasts, Educators, Executives, Healthcare Professionals and Practitioners. Board of Directors:-
Patron In-Chief:--------Prof.Sir.Dr.A.K.Awan Ph.D
C.E.O./Chairman: IHMS-ANMA Inc. USA
Chairman/C.E.O:-------Prof.Dr.M.A.Baig-------------Ph.D, MPH (USA), NMD
Vice Chairman:---------Dr.Abrar Umar ----------------MBBS, MPH (AFPGMI),
C.C.B.T (Oxford-London)
Director Legal Affair ---Dr.Zaffar Shaheen---------- MD(USSR), MBA, L.L.B
Director (P & D) ------- Dr.Zahir Jamil Khan ----------Ph.D, M.Sc(Nutri), NMD(USA),
Director Academic ---- Dr.Shazia Fazal -------------- M.D(E.H), L.L.B (Sindh)
Registrar--------------- Dr.L.Saleem--------------------M.D(E.H). M.Ed.(AIOU)Islamad
Ass.Registrar-----------Miss N.Shaheen-------------- B.Com (University of Punjab)