IS MA********ON GOOD OR BAD 🤔? Find Out Today!
Is it really harmful to my health?, Besides, I do enjoy and derive lots of pleasure from it so why should I even be concerned? Why should I stop?
We will be talking about all this and more and find out if it is really good or bad for you.
If you, yes you👉 or anyone you know is an addict of Ma********on and you would wish to know if what you are doing is good or bad, then this is the most important article you will ever read👇👇👇, I encourage you to read till the end. You will surely thank me later
Hi there✋!, I'm Byamungu Joel a s*xologist( doctor of human Sexuality) and researcher in the field of mental health and aging. And today I will be answering the most asked question by my patients and this question goes like this; " Doctor is Ma********on good or bad? If good give reasons, if bad, give even stronger reasons". If interested
then keep reading till the end and your future self will thank you for it.
So, I presume you already know what Ma********on is, right? So, I will be moving straight to the point.
Anything done in excess is going to be a very big problem to your body. Human being's tendency is always that if you derive pleasure while or out of something, you want to do it more and more till it comes to a level of an addiction that is really bad for your health. With this kind of addiction, you are not just destroying that organ but actually destroying your whole life. And I will tell you how later.
Science says that one drop of semen is like 40 drops of your bone marrow. It's so strong. similarly, one drop of semen is equivalent to 15 drops of blood. So, it's important for you to understand that every time you Ma******te, so much energy is lost or wasted. 👇
But for what? Really for what? For pleasure? This is really wrong🙅♂️ my friends.
Besically, Ma********ng leads to nutrients deficiency, lose of hair, dryness of skin, Erectile Dysfunctions, Premature Ejaculations, vaginal dryness, lose of libido, painful in*******se, poor s***m quality or quantity and so many other Negative effects. Infact, all the signs and symptoms of old age starts appearing due to such kind of an addiction.
I know one boy or you can call him a man who came to me. He was totally frastruated, very rejected. He said this; " Dr my life is ruined" and he told me why. He said that he used to ma******te every single night for over 15 years. The moment he was alone at night, he would be doing it to and extent that without it, he couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried. Now, this dependency on Ma********on was creating lots of Problems to him and he was miserable everyday.
After marriage, he couldn't perform at all. It was like impotency or you can all it ERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONS. He was miserable, the wife was miserable, he couldn't have a child obviously since he practically couldn't do anything and it was a misery all-over. He's family, wife's family and he's entire world was suffering. All in the name of Excessive Ma********ng he got involved into. Was it really worth it? Was the 2 minutes to 5 minutes of pleasure he got from Ma********ng really worth it to risk his health for? I don't think so.
Leaning from the above real life story, the question goes back to you👉 " is it really worth it?" Leave your comments in the comment section Below.
You have got to understand that Excess of such an act is going to make your carrier also in a poor condition all because your focus will be lost, you will not be able to do your work so efficiently as you should have done otherwise, your marriages and Sexual Relationships will be highly affected whether you are a man or woman, your overall health will be left in misery and so on. This is very similar to addiction of alcohol and smoking. A human being who is addicted to smoking and alcohol remains smoking or drinking despite the fact that he or she is aware of how smoking is affecting his lungs and how alcohol is damaging her or his liver big time. So, put it in your mind that everytime you touch yourself down there, you are actually killing yourself slowly and you will live to regret it later on in life.
Now, some people say that Ma********ng has it's own benefits and so it should be done. But is there really any benefits? Let's find out today👇👇👇
Yes! It definitely help you in coming down your Sexual urges. It besically help you release Sexual tension. It also help you releaves stress since this habit releases a happy Hormone or neurotransmitter called DOPAMINE😆. Your Dopamine system is a system of motivation💪, happiness🤣 and reward🥇. So, everytime you Ma******te, your dopamine system get wired to reward you and causes you to seek more and more and more.
*But why is it that in now days Sexual tension is too much in young men and women🤔?*
Well, in the past, people used to marry at a young age and this would help them manage their Sexual tension well enough. This is the exact opposite to what's happening today. People of today marries or get married at a really later age. Some even clocks 35 while still single and guess what they do instead? Touch themselves whenever the urge of getting laid comes. This eventually brings disaster for such a man or woman and their families since the habit slowly developes into an addiction that while with their partners, they still end up touching themselves down there whenever the chance is presented to them🤦♂️🤦♀️.
*But why is Ma********on becoming an addiction in today's youths🤷♂️? Can you guess it* 🤔
Well, it's because today's youths are very much exposed to p**nographic materials. Youths of today are exposed to p**n in almost all the areas of their lives like social media, films or movies, TVs, smart phones and so on. Long ago, the closest a man could go to p**n is seeing a woman showering across the lake but in today's society, in just 2 clicks one can access any type of nakedness he or she desires to see from anywhere at anytime of the day, thanks to technology👏👏.
P**n is easy to access, it's free and provides all kinds of content than ever before. Almost 80 to 90% of internet uses is on p**n and this is the whole Problem. No wonder why this industry has lot's of money.
Additionally, you should know that this p**n addiction leads to Ma********on addiction too. So, the more p**n you watch, the more you will Ma******te and the more harm you will inflict on your health.
So, the answer to the question is that Ma********on is really bad and harmful to your health so stop it today before it's too late for you otherwise it will stop you from living your life fully and happily.
If you would like to recover from the inflicted Negative side effects of Ma********on and p**n or you would like to know the ways at which you could have control over this kind of addiction, then waste no time again. Reach out to my personal lines for help on the right counsel, medications, diets and lifestyle choices or behavors that will transform your entire Health.
Book yourself and appointment Now to be helped before the condition becomes more serious than it is right now. even when you have not yet started experiencing the Negative effects, you still need help. The older you get the worse the condition will become and the worst the negatives effects will be so waiting only worsens the situation. Your Problem will not magically fix itself with time . You have to take action and seek medical help and counseling.
Remember this " He who has Health, has hope and he who has hope, has everything".