A Jamaican Happy New Year to you. You may have your get rich plan, your better car plan, your better job plan. I hope you also have your better health plan. If you do not, here are 2 tips to start. Cut out sugar. Treat yourself to 30 minutes of exercise daily. Eat well to be well.
2021 is almost here.
Just wishing you "All The Best for 2021" and beyond. Take your health seriously. Health Is Wealth.
New brain website. Visit us. #bebraincentered
This is the 3rd live in our August brain series. Next Thursday is all about Food. September I will be speaking with experts. So tune in
2-3 Good gut food. Good brain food. Good Diabetics food.
#diabeteseducation #diabeticfriendly
Organic Kim-chi
Follow-up. Here is the end result.
Delish 😋
Cooking from the garden. Good for diabetics. Home grown, no pesticides.
Just a reminder. Share #brainconversations #letsgo #blackbrainsmatter #type3diabetes #knowledgeispower #sistertosister #sistertobrother
##healthylifestyle #healthiswealth
This was tasty. Always eat well.
Oily fish is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and is shown to reduce inflammation, potentially lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Sharon A. Fraser
Your, Diabetic Solution Coach
#healthylifestyle #choices #healthyeating #healthychoices #exercise #brainfood
Blueberries are beneficial in managing weight, heart disease, diabetes, brain function and memory.
Sharon A. Fraser
Your, Diabetic Solution Coach.
#healthylifestyle #choices #healthyeating #healthychoices #power #exercise #brainhealth