2 week post-op update from @skiffy05 Jordan Skifstad lipo360 & doublechin lipo with Funsculpting at Blue Wolf Transformations.
tldr: Got back her chiseled jaw line and ab muscles
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Mary’s Funsculpting results and advice at Blue Wolf Translformations.
Funsculpting permanent fat removal works! Safe, effective and affordable fat removal in 1 session! Treat yourself this holiday at Blue Wolf Transformations! Free Consultations at www.bluewolfbody.com
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Real patient, unpaid testimonial. Funsculpting works! Permanent Fat Removal for the holidays! Free consultations! www.bluewolfbody.com
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Learn about Kate Engle 's Funsculpting Journey. Black Friday $500 off chin lipo available now!
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Why people choose Funsculpting permanent fat removal. No script, real patient.
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Lose up to 5 liters of FAT in 1 session-permanently 🙌 👏. Funscupting awake liposuction is safe, effective and a fraction of the price of surgical procedures 🔥. Sign up for a free consultation at our Appleton or Milwaukee clinic today!
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Post Funsculpting hydration tips.
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Funsculpting permanent fat removal - awake lipo. Reduce waistline 2-5inches in 1 session. Actual case, video 5mn after procedure was complete. #BodyGoals #wellnesswisconsin #BodyTransformationJourney #liporesults #AwakeLipo #milwaukeebodycontouring #wisconsinweightloss #ConfidenceBoost
Yes, she is awake and talking during the procedure! Funsculpting in action! Safe, effective and affordable fat removal.
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Funsculpting permanent fat removal. Innovative, Safe, Effictive and AFFORDABLE fat removal! In Appleton/Green Bay and Brookfield/Milwaukee.
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Funsculpting is done in-clinic, while you are awake with local numbing to allow a safe and effective fat removal procedure at Blue Wolf Transformations. #bellyfatremoval #lipo360 #funsculpting #lipo360º #hdlipo #mommymakeover #bluewolftransformations #daddymakeover #liposuctioncomplications #appleton #doublechinlipo #malebreatreduction #fatsucking