Let me tell you a story about my struggle with mindset and how I overcame it and ended up here in Thailand…
I think we all struggle from time to time and it takes work to get back on track.
But here are a few simple things that I did which made all the difference 👇👇👇
It was a simple mindset shift that I made. I realized that in order to align my actions and behaviors with the healthy lifestyle I had created for myself, I had to start BEING that person who I imagined I could be. I realized that NO ONE was coming to save me and that I HAD to start DOING what I teach my clients to do.
And that is BE the person I want to become. I started visualizing the badass woman who is lives free, the person who is the light for so many other people, and who takes control of her actions in order to put herself in the best possible environment to thrive.
I started journaling, meditating, and just moving my body more. I remembered all my simple habit hacks that I had learned to keep me moving forward, in the right direction. I kept going, and telling myself that although I wasn’t where I wanted to be, I was taking action everyday to become the person I was meant to be.
I manifested my dream life and I started attracting more abundance and opportunity into my life as a result.
I believed in myself, gained back my confidence, signed my next client, and booked my trip to Thailand!
This is how I was able to change my life just with one simple mindset shift. Nothing drastic or crazy…but this stuff really works!
If you are wondering if you can change your life, turn your negative mindset or struggles into positive ones, and reach goals that you haven’t been able to reach all your life, the answer is YES YOU CAN!
Start by focusing on who you are becoming rather than what you need to do.
Start by doing the simple stuff like journaling, meditating, having more compassion for yourself and others.
Start with healthier habits and setting good intentions eac
You are amazing! I see you! I’m cheering for you 🙌🏽🙌🏽
So I’ve been struggling trying to process yesterday’s news and I can feel all the stress building up in my body.
It’s not healthy to hold onto this stress so I’m going to share a tool that I use to release stress from my body.
This is called heart focused breathing.
Use it as often as you need to and please take care of yourself. Let’s spread love to one another, not hate.
Claire 💜💜💜
Your health is something YOU control.
Read that again.
Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are the top causes of death today but these can be prevented with healthy lifestyle choices.
Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol are the top behaviors which can lead to chronic disease and early death.
According to the CDC, 6 in ten adults in the US have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 adults have two or more chronic diseases.
Please receive this message out of love, I truly care about every single one of you.
I want you to live long, happy, and healthy lives. It’s not always easy to choose healthy foods, but start making it a habit and it will eventually become a lifestyle.
You are so worth it, so start taking care of you and your loved ones today 💜💜💜
8 Types of People Who Will Make Your Life Better!
Share this with someone on your list 💜💜
Today’s gonna be a good day ☀️🤗🙌🏽🙌🏽💜
Here’s my favorite quinoa salad recipe you’re gonna love it😋🙌🏽🙌🏽
• 1/2 cups quinoa, cooked
• 1/4 cup blueberries
• 1/2 large avocado, diced
• 1/4 cup pecans
Lime Basil Dressing:
• 1/4 TB extra virgin olive oil
• 1/4 TB maple syrup
• A squeeze of fresh lime juice
• 1 TB basil, finely chopped
• Himalayan Salt, to taste
• Fresh ground black pepper, to taste
Are you telling yourself lies??
Stop right there ✋ and think about what you are telling yourself every day. If you are consumed with negative self talk, this will prevent you from moving in a forward direction, no matter what you’re trying to achieve.
Let’s try loving ourselves for a change and showing ourselves the same compassion, encouragement, and support that you would want your best friend or partner to show you.
Do this every morning to help improve your mindset:
Tell yourself at least 5 things that you are good at or you that you are proud of. Then tell a friend or loved one at least one thing that you admire about them.
Try this everyday for a week and share your new practice with a friend!
Comment with a 💜💜💜 and share this🤗
The struggle is real! Who can relate??
But I have great news for you if you hate dieting...you can still lose weight even without restricting your favorite foods!
Do these 3 things for a week and notice how much easier it is to eat less food👇
✅ Slow down while you eat
✅ Stop eating when you feel 80% full
✅ Eat a balanced diet of lean protein, carbs, and fats
If you consistently do these 3 things plus exercise regularly, you will not only feel better and won’t be hangry all the time, you will be setting yourself up for a healthier lifestyle 🥰
Let me know if this is helpful! Share with a friend 🤗
I’ve been asked so many times about my nutrition and skincare lately I thought I needed to share what I’ve been doing for my morning routine!
I have friends that are saying “I need to have whatever it is you’re drinking in the morning!” And “I love your positive energy, it’s contagious!”
It’s true, my skin has never looked this good since I’ve been in my 40’s and I love taking care of my health and body so I can stay looking young and feeling great😀
What’s your morning routine like? And does it involve dancing? 💃🏽🕺🏽
Ok, love you! 💜💜💜
Hey there!
Getting healthy isn’t just about weight loss! Eating healthier and getting 7-8 hours of sleep consistently, plus lowering your stress levels will help you feel amazing AND will help you dominate at life 🙌🏽🙌🏽😀
If you want to start getting better sleep here are 3 tips:
✅ limit your caffeine and alcohol especially in the evenings
✅ have a consistent bedtime routine like shutting down electronics, taking a bath or shower, reading, and journaling so you can clear your mind and go to sleep easier
✅ try meditation and breathing exercises such as box breathing: breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4, breathe out for 4, then hold for 4; repeat several times
Try these for a week and let me know how it goes! 🥰🤗
Diets and meal plans are not meant to be long term.
You may be thinking, "but I WANT a meal plan - just tell me what to eat so I don't have to figure it out!"
Unfortunately, when we try to follow a super specific program or rigid prescription, many things can - and do - go wrong.
Typically, one of three things will happen with a diet or meal plan:
1. You don't stick to it like you are supposed to (because we are human and have a life!)
2. You follow it perfectly (but it becomes too strict for too long)
3. You follow the plan for a while but don't really enjoy it so it is not sustainable long term
Who can relate??
Ok here’s a confession, I love chocolate!
This chocolate protein oat recipe is my favorite healthy dessert and I love to add different toppings like shredded coconut, berries, or sugar free chocolate chips.
Tip: use instant oats so you don’t even have to wait overnight- just mix everything together in a bowl and enjoy 😋
Don’t keep this recipe to yourself, share it with a friend!
Have an amazing day everyone 🤗
Good morning stretches 🌸
Happy Valentine’s Day to you 💕😘
What’s your intention for the day?
Do you struggle with emotional eating?
Habits are powerful, for better or for worse and when you have a habit of emotional eating it can lead to over eating.
To break your habit of emotional eating, identify your trigger. A trigger could be a certain feeling, a time of day, a social setting, a place, or a thought pattern.
Being aware of your trigger can help prevent you from over eating in the future.
What are your triggers?
Having trouble with over eating?
Many of us struggle with this especially when there are lots of food choices, particularly processed foods available to us.
Here are some tips on how to stop over eating✋👍
Which foods do you have trouble with?
It’s pizza for me... I can never eat just one or two slices I have to eat the whole thing! 😳😭
Let’s do the Asian Squat Challenge!
Can you squat deep, like ass-to-the-grass without lifting your heels up?
Write yes 👍 or no 👎
This was me trying to fall asleep every night but I couldn’t shut my mind down! So I had to find a solution that helped me go to sleep and get my 7-8 hours.
Getting a good night’s sleep has so many benefits:
✅ Sleep Can Boost Your Immune System
✅ Gaining Zzz's Can Help Prevent Weight Gain
✅ Sleep Can Strengthen Your Heart
✅ Better Sleep = Better Mood
✅ Sleeping Can Increase Productivity
✅ Lack of Sleep Can Be Dangerous
✅ Sleep Can Increase Exercise Performance
✅ Sleep Improves Memory
How has your sleep been lately?
You’re never too old to have fun!! Had to get outside and go sledding wooooohaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Yayyyyyyy😀😀😀
Mountain climbers are a great strength building exercise plus they really work your core!
If regular mountain climbers are not an option for you, try sliding your feet on a hard, smooth floor for lower impact. No hardwood in your house, just use paper plates under each foot and you can do it on carpet 😀
Try these next time you take a study or work break and let me know how you do!