I am feeling a huge expansive spaciousness in my chest. It fills me up and makes me feel like I can reach out and grab opportunities out there that are just waiting for me. I am open to see them and feel them. We can choose what opportunities we allow in our space. If we are open to receive and our spirit is in an elevated enough place to be capable of grabbing hold of it and making it become our reality then we have the power to change and create our own reality. Everything starts from within us. Tend your own inner fire 🔥 watch it grow and allow it to guide your daily actions and practices. If you live from your soul fire and not from your head or your fear or from other people or from the news or from who is president or from your circumstances; if you live from your heart center and soul fire and only there and let that be your compass, anything is possible. Literally anything. I have fire and space and love and joy inside my heart and soul. I am creating my own reality and life that fulfills me. I hold the vision of my future close. It includes abundance in resources, love, freedom, joy and building empires. I am not attached to the outcome but I hold the vibration of all that I want and the path will open up for that to come true. Namaste 🙏 photo credit clothes from and .trendresetters