Have you heard the @whydoesmypartner podcast yet?
Check out the latest episode “Why does my partner criticize my parenting?” now!
If you’re in a partnership, even without children, there’s a good chance some version of this has come up for you.
Whether it’s parenting, pet care, finances, sex, you name it, both you and your partner are carrying a bunch of (often unconscious) assumptions about how something should be done.
Coming out of conflict means moving from those implicit beliefs to explicit communication, but how do you do that without blame, power struggles, and hurt feelings?
Well, that’s what this whole season on communication is all about!
Listen to S7E115 - Why Does My Partner Criticize My Parenting now!
Hey therapists and coaches! You have just a couple more days to sign up to do a Consultation Demo Group with Juliane Taylor Shore!!
2024-2025 Demo Groups
1. Robins- Mondays 1pm- 2:50pm, central time zone
2. Finches- Mondays 11am-12:50pm, central time zone
3. Pittas BIPOC Only- Wednesdays 9am-10:50am central time zone
4. Cardinals- Tuesdays 9am-10:50am, central time zone
What are Jules’ Demo Groups?
Demo Groups are a unique type of training opportunity for therapists and coaches. These are consultation groups that will allow you to witness and ask about live work, and also do a session with Jules. Each group has 12 members and the cost is $150/session.
There are four groups this year that meet once or twice per month. The groups will meet on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
The format of these groups is the first hour one person volunteers to do a 60-75 min session with Jules.
Then the whole group can support the volunteer and their work, ask questions and explore the work they just witnessed for the last 35-45 minutes. This type of experiential learning can transform the way you practice.
If you would like a chance to participate in a Consult Group this year, please email [email protected] by August 1st with your preferred groups in order of preference.
We usually receive more inquiries than we have openings. When this is the case, participants are chosen randomly by lottery. If you are chosen for a 24-25 group, you will receive an email with the group you were placed in as well as more information. If you are not chosen for a group this year, you have the option to get on the waitlist for next year.
Kim John Payne and Juliane Taylor Shore come together to discuss creating boundaries in parenting 🤝
Check out the Wise Conversations tab at therapywisdom.com to watch the entire conversation-Boundaries in Parenting: Matching the developmental shifts in your child.
#boundariesarehealthy #boundariesarehealthy #therapywisdom #settingboundaries #onlinecourses
Great reminder from IPNB Affiliate, Elizabeth Buckley, LPC
Biologically speaking, your emotions are happening and will continue happen. Do you want to be ruled by them or do you want to be in relationship with them ? Choice is yours.💓
Juliane Taylor Shore is teaming back up with Austin IN Connection September 25, 2021 and early bird ticket sales end this Sunday 9/12! Don’t miss it!
#ipnbaustin #julianetaylorshore #austininconnection #ipnb #interpersonalneurobiology
Harm Reduction and Connection: considering substance use with deep compassion