Plant Fit: A Plant Centered Approach To Health
What Do We Mean By Plant Centered? Eating plant centered (or whole food plant based) means that you are getting the majority of your calories from whole plant foods. Whole plant foods include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. You will find when you eat this way that you are satisfied and do not have cravings. It may se
em hard to believe so you'll just have to try it for yourself! Every single thing that we eat has a direct impact on our bodies. And fueling our bodies with the life energy of plants has a profound effect on how we feel and how efficiently our bodies work. This is why it is important to take charge of our own health. People who adopt a more plant centered lifestyle are shown to suffer far less heart disease, cancers, auto-immune disease, type II diabetes and weight problems. More
Why you might want to change to a whole food plant based lifestyle
You want to take charge of your health by changing the way you eat
You want to try something new and different and see how it feels. You have watched the 2011 documentary Forks Over Knives and you want to try it out for yourself. heart disease, obesity or autoimmune conditions and you've heard that getting away from animal-based and processed foods could help you control or even reverse your disease. Call Your Plant Fit Coach: Changing from a Standard American Diet to a Plant Centered Diet can be a bit overwhelming at first. It requires changing habits and ways of understanding food and food preparation. But you don't need to be a chef or spend hours in the kitchen to make nutritious meals for you and your family. We can help you! Having support in the beginning of making such radical changes to your lifestyle can be instrumental to your success. Our Plant Centered lifestyle is based on the works of Dr. Colin Campbell, Dean Ornish, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. John McDougall,
Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Dr. Michael Gregor.