The Light Center

The Light Center The Light Center is a non-profit, non-denominational Prayer and Spiritual Center located 8 mi south of Black Mountain.

Our Mission: To increase awareness of the Oneness of all that is by expanding Light, Peace and unconditional Love. United Research provides a nondenominational supportive environment for encouraging personal and planetary transformation through prayer. We are dedicated to helping all people expand awareness of their inner Light and to pray more effectively.

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.13.24 “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize t...

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.13.24

“In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett
Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow.
I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all.
I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness.
Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life.
Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.12.24Thank you for Earth’s animal kingdom.All our kin, the creatures of the world...

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.12.24

Thank you for Earth’s animal kingdom.
All our kin, the creatures of the world, are filled with Love and Light.
Thank you for the air and water that sustains life.
Our air and water are filled with Love and Light.
Thank you, dearly beloved Creator, for our beautiful planet
and its myriad organisms.

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.11.24 Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation...

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.11.24

Today, I give thanks for parents who are the
path for our newest generation of Light beings.
And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now.
Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children.
Parent or not, I am grateful for those who undertake
nurturing our freshest world citizens.
I visualize families lifted and filled with Love and Light.

Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.10.24The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light.Holy Spi...

Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.10.24

The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light.
Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone.
Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone.
Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine.
I am Divine.
Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation and thank you for me!


Dear Light Group,

“When the consciousness is pure, you find the whole cosmos filled with purity, replete with the taintless presence of God.” So said the Hindu saint Yogananda.

This reverses our usual way of thinking, doesn’t it? Don’t we have a tendency to see our world as filled with darkness and wrong-doing? Yogananda is essentially saying, “It’s all in your mind. If you had the mind of God, you would not be seeing darkness and wrong-doing. You would see nothing but the pure presence of God. That pure presence of God, according to the ancient sages of India, is Truth, Love, and the Good.”

What if Yogananda was right? How would that change how we go about our daily lives? For starters, it would be magnificently freeing. Our energies would no longer would be consumed with judging others and judging world events and judging the weather and fretting over this, that, and the other aspect of our lives and tying ourselves in knots of anxiety over what might (or might not) happen in the future. What a relief! What a freeing way to live!

With our minds cleared and our energies freed up, we can focus on God and the Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty that surrounds us.

If you would like a prayer to move into that state of consciousness, you might try this: “Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty are here now. That is the real world. The real world is the world of God. The real world is the world of Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is the essence of everything that exists. Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is the essence of every person. The material world is impermanent. The only constant is Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. That is my essential nature: Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. I am That. I am that Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Let me sing God’s praises for this Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Center me, O Lord, in this, Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Free me to always be in the consciousness of Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Keep me centered, O Lord, in Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. When I stray, O Lord, bring me back to Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. In Thee and Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is my salvation. In Thee and Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is the salvation of Earth. Let me always be an instrument of Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty, that all may know Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty within themselves. Let me always be an instrument of Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty, that all may sing Thy praises. And so it is. Amen.”

Love and Light,

Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.9.24As I think of my fellow Light beings,I am buoyed by the actions of the many h...

Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.9.24

As I think of my fellow Light beings,
I am buoyed by the actions of the many
heroes we have on our beloved Earth.
We create change working toward Heaven on Earth.
Thank you, God, for Light.
Thank you, God, for Love.
Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create.

Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.8.24 Opening to the energy of Source within me, I welcome Light as it moves wit...

Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.8.24

Opening to the energy of Source within me,
I welcome Light as it moves within my cells.
In gratitude I embrace Light, declaring “I am One with All That Is.”
More fully opening to Oneness, I consciously accelerate my spiritual growth.
Co-creating with Spirit, I am Guided to be in the right place,
at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and
doing the right things for the Good of All.
Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.7.24Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All.As I help create G...

Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.7.24

Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All.
As I help create Good in climate change,
I visualize all discomfort or suffering changing to Light.
I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light.
I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light.
Everyone is filled with Light and Love.
Everything is filled with Light and Love.
Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.6.24Today, I stay centered in breath.I breathe slowly, rhythmically.Any challeng...

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.6.24

Today, I stay centered in breath.
I breathe slowly, rhythmically.
Any challenge is met from my centered Self.
I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism.
Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection.
Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love.

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.5.24 Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership...

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.5.24

Expanding from deep within, I focus
Love and Light on our world’s leadership.
All leaders and politicians are filled with Light.
Anyone holding public office hears the Voice of Spirit.
Our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead with Wisdom.
I hold sacred space for them to lead with compassion, joy, and peace.
Thank you, God, for making it so.

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.4.24Centering in Source, I find Truth.As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled.I...

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.4.24

Centering in Source, I find Truth.
As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled.
I am shown how to navigate any plight.
I am given strength through Communion.
I am empowered to face all challenges.
Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

Sound Voyage Concert with Wolfgang and Jeannie on Sunday, August 4 is cancelled!

Sound Voyage Concert with Wolfgang and Jeannie on Sunday, August 4 is cancelled!

Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.3.24  As I think of us on Spaceship Earth,I expand from deep within filling us ...

Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.3.24

As I think of us on Spaceship Earth,
I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Love.
Everyone is coping with some type of challenge.
Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are
all learning our lessons at different speeds.
Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love,
able to surrender our resistance to change,
able to accept Grace and speed our learning process.
Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.2.24 With expanding consciousness,I find a wish to protect my growing awareness. ...

Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.2.24

With expanding consciousness,
I find a wish to protect my growing awareness.
In releasing my increased sensitivity to Light,
I realize all things will become transparent.
Today, I ask Spirit within me to increase my tolerance
to match my growing awareness of All That Is.
Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.


Dear Light Group,

God is there for those who are trying…and are ready. Time and again we see Jesus helping and healing people he senses are ready to receive what he has to give. A case in point is the Samaritan woman at the well who evidently had been sleeping around, having affairs with several different men. But she was honest about not having a true husband, and her honesty and humility left her open to hearing the word of the Christ: “Sir, I perceive thou art a prophet.” It was to this woman that Jesus made one of his most profound statements: “…worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.”

But for those who may be trying but are not ready, Jesus had a different message. There was a young man who asked Jesus what he needed to do to achieve eternal life. Jesus essentially told him he needed to adhere to the Ten Commandments. The young man said he had been doing that. Jesus then said that the next step was for the man to give away all his possessions. The young man went away sad: he had many possessions and did not want to give them up. He was not ready.

If we are trying but not yet ready, God still loves us, but it is unlikely that we’ll reach the Kingdom of Heaven anytime soon.

To better prepare ourselves for reception into the Kingdom of Heaven, to the joy and bliss of the Divine, we can start by letting go of our material desires and of our attachment to the senses. This material world is just the dream of spirit. The more we can see it as an impermanent, ever-changing dream, the more we shall thin the veil of illusion that hides the Joy and Love of the Divine. The more that we are watchful of our company - the company of our friends and the company of our thoughts - the more we make ourselves ready for the company of the Divine. The more that we establish virtue within our hearts and minds, the more we think and feel goodness, then the more that powerful force of goodness comes into our lives and the more spiritual our lives become.

If you would like a prayer to accompany this mindset, you might try this: “I let go of my material desires. I let go of my sensory perceptions. What I sense now is Christ Intelligence. The vibration of the Christ is with me. This Cosmic Vibration puts me in contact with the Christ Intelligence behind all creation. I and this Christ intelligence are one. This Christ Intelligence pervades all creation. This Christ Intelligence and I are one. In that Christ Intelligence is Goodness, Peace, and Love. I am that Goodness, Peace, and Love. I am That. I am that Goodness, Peace, and Love. Let this Goodness, Peace, and Love shine forth for the betterment of one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,

Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.1.24Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the J...

Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.1.24

Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love
and awaken to the Joy of Oneness. (Linda Joy Montgomery, 1998).

Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.31.24Centering in Light I feel Christ consciousness envelope me.The Christ Con...

Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.31.24

Centering in Light I feel Christ consciousness envelope me.
The Christ Consciousness in me frees me.
I am risen from the human plane of existence to the Divine Plane.
Sparkling with Energy I move through the vibrational gate
and become One with Spirit.
I feel the Joy of Oneness.
I am Blessed. (Taken in part from Tully Moss’s prayer.)

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.30.24I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships.Close friends ...

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.30.24

I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships.
Close friends are my chosen family.
Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality.
Friends bolster me with their insights and support.
Friends increase my buoyancy and fun!
Friends are a gift from Spirit.
I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends
and for the interactions and relationships I have with them.

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.29.24The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our...

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.29.24

The Creator within me creates Love and Light
in and through fires across our world.
All unexpected weather challenges are filled with Love and Light.
Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light.
They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes.
All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light.
Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.28.24 Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 rolethat is sometimes pure joy and often no...

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.28.24

Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role
that is sometimes pure joy and often not,
I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease.
All parents are filled with Love and Light.
Parents are Divinely Guided for the good
of their children and people everywhere.
Families are the building block of society.
The Creator within parents fills all families
With Love and Light for the Good of All.
And so, it is. Amen.


Dear Light Group,

One of the greatest challenges of being alive today is focus. Jesus told us over and over to be focused: “The Light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light.” A single eye (the third eye chakra) that is focused on the Divine Light ensures that our whole body will be filled with Light. Then there is this: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and dust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal - for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Again, the message is: Focus. Focus on the Divine. Make the Divine what you treasure and then focus on that: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God."

Some might be tempted to say, “Well, good luck with that, Jesus. In our day and age, we have so many distractions: social media, cable news, advertising, video games - the assault on our consciousness is nonstop.”

If we passively absorb this that is thrown at us, it is so easy to have what the Buddhists call “monkey mind.” If you watch monkeys, they are constantly jumping around, going from one branch to another to the ground back up to a branch and then on to other branches. If we observe our own minds, how often are they behaving like monkey minds - jumping from daydream to emotional reaction to worry to elation to hope to fear and on and on and on?

In the midst of all this noise and restlessness, we aren’t helpless. If we have a bit of monkey mind, we can simply observe it: “Well, all right, there it is: monkey mind.” If we observe that monkey mind with a bit of compassion towards ourselves (knowing we’re not alone) and a bit of humor (humor always makes the going down easier), then we’ll develop distance from the chaos as well as some measure of equanimity. That calmness will be a starting point for focus, for focus on the Divine.

If we can settle down, then it can be helpful to remember the Love of the Divine. It can be helpful to remember that, no matter what we have done, the Divine always loves us. That Love of the Divine is always there for us. If we know we are always loved - no matter what happens - then an inner peace descends on us, and we feel free to be, free to Be Divine.

If this focus on the Love of the Divine makes sense to you, then you might want to try a prayer such as: “I am not my mind. I am not my thoughts. I am not my ego. What I am is All Pervading Love. Every cell and atom of my physical being is this All Pervading Love. This All Pervading Love fills and surrounds me. With this All Pervading Love, I join Jesus and the saints and the spiritual masters in giving this Love to one and all. I am That. I am that All Pervading Love. That’s all there is, that All Pervading Love. That All Pervading Love fills and surrounds all creation. I and that All Pervading Love are one. In that All Pervading Love is Peace. In that All Pervading Love is Joy. I am one with That. Let this All Pervading Love guide my body, speech, and mind, that all may be touched by this All Pervading Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,

Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.27.24As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the...

Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.27.24

As I pray for our world and its people,
I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies.
Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks,
a plant-like system.
Expanding myself into this Green flow
I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone,
for everything, for the Good of All.
Thank you, God, for making it so.

Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.26.24Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest ...

Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.26.24

Focusing within, I release any unhealthy
habits that are not for my highest good.
The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light.
I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light.
I radiate Light and Love throughout my being.
The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me.
I am empowered as the Light Being I am.
Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.25.24Today, I follow the quiet voice of the Divine.As needed, I ground myself t...

Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.25.24

Today, I follow the quiet voice of the Divine.
As needed, I ground myself to aid my work in this dimension.
I remember a fully functional Light Being functions well in all spheres.
Today, I function well in the physical, mental, emotional, astral, and soul dimensions.
My High Self connects through each facet of existence.
Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so.

Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.24.24The anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through in...

Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.24.24

The anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act –
coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more.
To work toward Oneness.
I am humbled - reflecting on this act of faith.
Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Love and Light.
Focusing backwards, I fill everyone who had a birthday
in the last 364 days with Love and Light.
The Creator within me sincerely thanks all who have
contributed to this physical dimension.

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.23.24Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in fa...

Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.23.24

Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign.
Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist,
I collect data on a subject of one, myself.
“Basic research is what I am doing when I
don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun).
If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God”.
In faith I reach within becoming One with All in my process of growth.
And so, it is. Amen.

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.22.24As I turn within I feel respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away....

Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.22.24

As I turn within I feel respite from the world.
I let the mundane fall away.
I let the chatter and talking heads go.
Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and
Light on the United States and on our wonderful world.
I fill the U.S. with Love and Light and I remember
that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the
potentialities of everything for the Good of All.
I center in this Truth and help create Good.
And so, it is, Amen.

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.21.24Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and ...

Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.21.24

Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor.
Regardless of what I see and hear,
all that truly matters is Love and Light.
Today, I rest my heart in Spirit.
Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success.
All else is smoke and mirrors.
I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.


Dear Light Group,

In 1807, the poet William Wordsworth wrote “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood.” In that poem, he said,

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting….
But trailing clouds of glory do we come…
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!
Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing Boy,
But He beholds the light, and whence it flows,
He sees it in his joy….
The vision splendid…
At length the Man perceives it die away,
And fade into the light of common day….

In the purity of pre-birth or perhaps early childhood, we “behold the light” and see the “joy” - and then it “dies away” and “fades into the light of common day.”

Instead of “a sleep and a forgetting,” Jesus admonished us to remember who we are and that we came “trailing clouds of glory.” When his disciples asked him, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”, Jesus “called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them and said, ‘Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'” Elsewhere, Jesus said, “…whosever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”

As we grow older, we become willful, and as we see guile in others and perhaps in ourselves, and as we overlay what we experience with judgments of good and bad, the joy and light we knew as children “fades into the light of common day.”

So how do we return to our personal Garden of Eden, to that state of innocence, humbleness, guilelessness, to that state of love, trust, and joy that we knew as children? How do we “be converted and become as little children”?

One answer is: Just let it go. Let the whole structure of personality and judgments that we have built go. Let the walls we have built around ourselves go. Let the bureaucracy we built up inside of ourselves - the thoughts and feelings that are so busy creating things for us to do and say and be - just let it go.

In the letting go is our freedom. In that freedom is our return to the Joy and Light we knew as children.

If you would like a prayer to celebrate this freedom, you might try this: “I am free. I am free to be Joy. I am free to be Light. I live and move and have my being in Joy and Light. The heaviness of personality and its desires is gone. There is only Light. I am merely Joy and Light moving through space and time. This Joy and Light pervades all creation. The thin veil of illusion has been dissolved. There is nothing separating me from this Joy and Light. I am That. I am that Joy and Light. Being this Joy and Light, I am free. Being this Joy and Light, I radiate this Joy and Light to others. All are uplifted by this Joy and this Light. All is Joy and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,


232 Divine Way
Black Mountain, NC

Opening Hours

Thursday 12pm - 5pm
Friday 12pm - 5pm
Saturday 12pm - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm


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Our Story

Imagine a special haven of love and light, of prayer and transformation, of rest and re-invigoration. Imagine a place of prayer and meditation, leading to transformation. Imagine restoring and healing your soul, and discovering your true nature, your Higher Self. Imagine Meditation Trails through forests, by a pond, along a river.....and actually sitting on a boulder in the river.....and finding your very soul healed and restored by nature. Imagine walking a Labyrinth, very very slowly..... surrounded by nature and beauty. Imagine going ever deeper into your heart as you traverse the Labyrinth moving slowly into the center you move into your own personal Center..... your HEART.....where all is Love and Light. Imagine sitting in a circular room beneath colored lights, listening to calming music, as your entire body relaxes and your mind finds rest and calmness. Imagine sitting quietly in a geodesic Prayer Dome....a dome where people have prayed and meditated for 40 years....... and imagine that this Prayer Dome is open 24 hours a day for prayers for personal and planetary transformation. Imagine visiting for a day..... or for longer; imagine spending a night or two in a 70 year old Lodge while on a personal spiritual retreat.

Such a place exists. It exists on a mountain just south of Black Mountain North Carolina and only 45 minutes from Asheville North Carolina.

The Light Center was founded almost 50 years ago to provide a place for prayer, meditation, and connecting with the Divine. It continues to be a beacon of Light and Love to the world and to all who visit. It continues to be a place of personal and planetary transformation. It continues to welcome all who visit.....all who seek....all who celebrate...... all who with to deepen their spiritual existence and connect more deeply with nature, with their True Selves.....and with The Divine (or The Great Spirit, or The Source, or The Universe,or God , or Goddess....) The central point of our center is a geodesic prayer dome which is open 24 hours a day , every day of the year for prayer and meditation. Occasionally we present programs and events in the dome. The Prayer Dome is on the 2nd floor of our Visitors Center. On the first floor you’ll find our bookstore and art gallery and a unique “Light Room” where visitors sit for a half hour under changing colored lights while relaxing to calm and peaceful music. (For many, the Light Room, is a place to enhance and align the “chakras” or energy centers of the body).

On our grounds are Meditation Trails, a Meditation Pond, and a Labyrinth. Our Light Center Lodge, provides overnight accommodations for individuals and groups on spiritual retreats. The Light Center depends on a group of volunteers who are dedicated to helping all people expand awareness of their inner Light and to pray more effectively.

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