Dear Light Group,
“When the consciousness is pure, you find the whole cosmos filled with purity, replete with the taintless presence of God.” So said the Hindu saint Yogananda.
This reverses our usual way of thinking, doesn’t it? Don’t we have a tendency to see our world as filled with darkness and wrong-doing? Yogananda is essentially saying, “It’s all in your mind. If you had the mind of God, you would not be seeing darkness and wrong-doing. You would see nothing but the pure presence of God. That pure presence of God, according to the ancient sages of India, is Truth, Love, and the Good.”
What if Yogananda was right? How would that change how we go about our daily lives? For starters, it would be magnificently freeing. Our energies would no longer would be consumed with judging others and judging world events and judging the weather and fretting over this, that, and the other aspect of our lives and tying ourselves in knots of anxiety over what might (or might not) happen in the future. What a relief! What a freeing way to live!
With our minds cleared and our energies freed up, we can focus on God and the Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty that surrounds us.
If you would like a prayer to move into that state of consciousness, you might try this: “Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty are here now. That is the real world. The real world is the world of God. The real world is the world of Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is the essence of everything that exists. Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is the essence of every person. The material world is impermanent. The only constant is Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. That is my essential nature: Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. I am That. I am that Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Let me sing God’s praises for this Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Center me, O Lord, in this, Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Free me to always be in the consciousness of Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. Keep me centered, O Lord, in Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. When I stray, O Lord, bring me back to Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty. In Thee and Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is my salvation. In Thee and Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty is the salvation of Earth. Let me always be an instrument of Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty, that all may know Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty within themselves. Let me always be an instrument of Thy Divine Bliss, Joy, Peace, and Beauty, that all may sing Thy praises. And so it is. Amen.”
Love and Light,