On Sunday I’m leaving on an amazing adventure, and I felt so strongly that I needed to put this out there today…
I’ll be joining four other ladies on a 10 day Prayer Assignment trip…called The Sound of Many Waters. 🎶💦
August 18-28th, we will be driving and tracing the Mississippi River from the Headwaters to the Gulf and praying and engaging with all the Father shows us.
There’s so many aspects to this that I can’t adequately explain. But there is such infinite significance to this trip I can’t even fully wrap my brain around it as I’m just in holy awe as it is unfolding.
We will be engaging with Yahweh, listening to His heart, listening to the waters of His voice…with a focus of unlocking identity…restoration…shalom- bringing order in the midst of chaos…within each of us as individuals, but also our nation, our world…and all of creation. 🎶
I felt like I needed to put this out there and invite ALL who want to partner with me/us…in prayers, in finances, in any kind of intentional love and support…standing with us, and especially for YOURSELF.
I have a list of those who have already sowed/traded into this trip financially…and those who have been praying and engaging with me in general…and I will be carrying these specific names in full partnership as I’m on this prayer trip.
And I would love to add as many names as possible for anyone who wants to join along with me in YOUR heart. Because there’s something so significant of bringing in as many of you that want to be a part. I’ll put financial info below if you want to trade into it that way…but this is about MORE than that. This is about opening it up to EVERYone who wants to be praying and engaging during this time…for the unlocking of the fullness of who we ALL are. Agreeing with The Truth within us of who we were always created to be…and saying yes to walking in the fullness of our identity.
Let’s be honest, I’m carrying you ALL with me in my heart regardless. 😅
But intention is everything- and with intention is great power and connection.
So this invitation to partner together in Spirit and Truth is open to you all. Let me know if you want to join in with YOUR intention, praying along with us…for the unlocking of us ALL. Agreeing with the original design of our Creator. Letting His Living Waters wash away the traumas of our past…and bringing life and healing and the WHOLENESS of who we are meant to be. 💦🔥💦🔥
The time has come. The time is now.
If you’d like to sow/trade into this financially, please message me for info if you don’t already have it.