Most issues in families start off small. We allow certain things to slide here, we make light of/disregard other behaviors there, and before we know it we have a full blown mess on our hands.
And it’s easy to let those small issues slide. Typically, they are not really bothering anyone, and we certainly don’t see them as important enough to bring to therapy.
Well, if there ever was a time in our current history to reassess the way we’re doing things, now seems as good as any. Most of us are stuck together at home, either experiencing the effect of letting those little issues slide, or starting to become irritated by the little issues at hand.
One of my favorite authors, , tends to say things in a way that makes sense. Let’s not ignore the little issues! Let’s do something about them, before they are too much to handle.
We are here to help! www.northfamilycounseling.com