Soul Sistas Crystals

Soul Sistas Crystals We offer innovative Reiki for people & animals, spiritual services, and sell Reiki infused products.


$20 for Deepest Energy Clearing & Healing Reiki until 8/18. Use code reiki at checkout!


Show your pet(s) some extra love today with this Rapid Reiki!
Clear, balance & align your fur baby’s chakras so they feel peaceful, calm & happy.
Play this Reiki out loud so your pet(s) can hear it or just point the screen in their direction for them to receive this energy healing.

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with your pet. Sending you and your fur baby so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki for you and your pet
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session for you and/or your pet.


🗣️🗣️Do you need to flex your throat chakra?🗣️🗣️

🗣️Is there something you want or need to say?
🗣️Do you find it difficult to express your needs and wants?
🗣️Do you get sore throats or throat illnesses frequently?
🗣️Do you feel anxious when you have to speak in front of people?

If you answered yes to any of these, this throat chakra activation & healing is for you!

The throat chakra is located in the center of your neck. It’s also linked to your mouth and ears. The throat chakra is associated with the color blue and is responsible for communication & self-expression.
This chakra has a special place in my healer’s heart because I’ve spent a lot of time developing & strengthening my throat chakra.
Washing away hurtful words I’ve spoken, hurtful words spoken to me, and fear related to speaking my truth has strengthened my self-love & self-confidence. It’s also improved my life, manifesting skills & relationship with others.
I’ve realized that, like all things in life balancing this chakra is key.

This rapid Reiki will help you learn to speak up when you need to & stay quiet when you need to.

Say these Reiki infused Throat chakra affirmations I was guided to share anytime you want to strengthen your communication skills, and clear & balance this chakra:
🗣️I loving express myself to others
🗣️I allow others to express themselves to me
🗣️My words are powerful and have meaning
🗣️My needs and wants matter
🗣️I communicate my needs and wants with ease

💙Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💙

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


I wanted to have a little fun with manifesting today, so I did a Lotto rapid Reiki for everyone to enjoy 🤑
This lottery rapid Reiki will:
💰Open you up to receive abundance from the universe
💰Clear limited beliefs about money
💰Strength your trust in divine timing for $ manifestation
💰Increase your gratitude & good luck
💰Give you a boost of positive energy
Sending y’all lots of love, positive energy, and high vibes!!
Let me know how much you win! 💰💰

I used Money on My Mind crystal set plus additional manifestation crystals during this Reiki. All of them are available on our website

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


🤲🏻Renew & Empower Yourself Rapid Reiki🤲🏻

This is a time for transformation & personal growth for so many.
Change can make you fearful & anxious, but that’s just a feeling, not reality.
The magic lies in remaining positive, embracing the unknown, and trusting yourself & the Divine that everything will workout.
I wanted to share this Reiki healing with you to ground your energy deeply in the present, so you release worries, and the past. I also wanted to remind you of your inner strength, and empower you to embrace life even when you feel lost.
Enjoy these powerful, peaceful loving vibes, while opening your mind to the limitless possibilities of the universe.

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Watch this rapid Reiki to activate your 3rd eye chakra.
🪬Activating this chakra allows you to connect to your intuition, highest self, and psychic abilities.
🪬This means that you begin to live as your most authentic and powerful self.
🪬You begin to truly understand that you’re connected to all there is and that means actively choosing to do & be a better human. 🪬Your highest self is always evolving into the next version of you.
🪬You also see beyond the 3D and understand the signs sent to you be the Divine.

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Are you dreaming of romance, love, or your Divine counterpart?
Watch this rapid Reiki to connect to the incredible healing energy of Archangel Chamuel, “the angel of love” and align with unconditional love & harmony to attract your soulmate or twin flame. Call upon Chamuel to remind you how loved you are, and to bring you true lasting love.
Take a moment to recognize & appreciate the love you have now, and be grateful for all the love to come.
Now, let go and truly trust the Divine to bring your Divine counterpart to you when the time is right. When you actually let go, you experience more peace & manifest love so much faster. 🥰
Embodying this energy signals to the universe you’re ready.
You’ll experience more love & joy in your current life when you live from a place of pure love and peace.
Save this Reiki and watch it whenever you need to realign with unconditional love, harmony, and inner balance.
You can even watch it every time you want to call a new soulmate into your life! 😍

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Watch this rapid Reiki energy healing with your partner to deepen the love you share & strengthen your connection.

Relationships have ups & downs because nobody’s perfect and life happens. A strong relationship is determined by how we respond to difficulties with our partner, and how much unconditional love we pour into ourselves and loved one.
Love thrives when compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and honesty are given & received. It takes conscious, consistent effort to build a healthy connection with someone.
Let this energy healing help you reconnect, accept & release the past, and make room for more love in your relationship. This Reiki also encourages you to protect & nurture the love you share by pouring positivity into your words, actions, and thoughts.

💕Let the power of your love build each other up, transform your relationship, and improve every part of the life you share 💕

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Take the time to practice self-love by watching this remote rapid Reiki to strengthen your self-love.
Self-Love is the foundation of love in your life. The way you love, care for, speak, think, and feel about yourself sets the standard for how others love you. Your self-love determines your happiness, health, and your ability to create a life you truly love & align with. No matter what you’ve experienced, your beliefs, or how you feel in this moment accept that you’re lovable now. Accept you hold the power to change your life. Don’t look for love in other people, places, or things. You have all the love you need inside. Be patient & commit to loving yourself.
When you truly love yourself no matter what everything else falls into place.

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Rapid Reiki to remove all negative & stagnant energy from your desk/office

If you’re feeling sluggish, unable to focus, cranky, anxious, or unmotivated at work it’s time to clear the energy at your desk, in your office, or around your workplace.

Let this energy clearing play while you’re at your desk to cleanse the space, clear energetic attachments & EMFs, fill your space with positive energy, and make you feel terrific at work so you can showup as your best self!

If you’re interested in an office energy clearing visit my website to book your appointment

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Allow this rapid Reiki to bring you into alignment with your authentic self.

Do you know what it means to be in alignment?
It means your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions are in complete harmony.

When all 4 are the same there’s no inner conflict, no confusion, and no inauthenticity. You feel peaceful, free, and confident.
You aren’t afraid to “walk it like you talk it”. Most importantly, you trust yourself! 💯

Your vibration is the highest when you’re in alignment because you’re in a state of complete trust & open to receive from the Divine without attachment.
You’re connected to the abundance of the universe, and can unlock profound wisdom & guidance.Think of it like a 🔑 from the universe to manifest your best life.

When you’re not in alignment with your authentic self you might feel anxious, fearful, confused, and often scared to show others your true self.
You might even start to look outside yourself for your truth & validation.

Being in energetic alignment looks and feels different for everyone because we’re all on different journeys. Your truth/purpose isn’t the same as my truth/purpose. Aligning with your authentic self gives you the power to create the life you want & make a positive impact in the world by sharing your unique gifts.

Say this affirmation to get into alignment:
I trust myself & the Divine to unify my body, mind, and soul. I release the past & all that isn’t in alignment. I effortlessly flow into my new beginning.
Remember- You’re so loved & cherished by the Divine, if you put your faith in God, he’ll work miracles in your life.
Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you love & positivity.
If you enjoyed this rapid Reiki show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.
Follow my page for more Rapid Reiki videos
Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Let’s show the root chakra some love today!

Watch this Rapid Reiki to activate, clear, and align your root chakra. You’ll feel balanced, secure, and ready to take action!

The root chakra is what makes you feel safe, secure & take action in life. It’s important to activate & clear this chakra to restore the flow of energy to your other chakras.

When root chakra is imbalanced you feel:
♦️ Anxious & Worried
♦️ Overthinking
♦️ Disconnected from yourself & others
♦️ Fearful

When root chakra is balanced you feel:
♦️ Present & Grounded
♦️ Connect to yourself & others
♦️ Energetic
♦️ Calm

Did you enjoy this post? Let me know!
📌 Save this post to use anytime you need root chakra healing.
📌 Share it with anyone you feel needs root chakra healing.
📌 Follow for more chakra healing affirmations & info.


Solar Plexus Rapid Reiki - Clear & Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Open up to receive this Reiki energy healing. Relax & watch this Reiki with or without the HZ music. Feel the amplified healing energy of the crystals.

This Solar Plexus Chakra Rapid Reiki will:
💛 Clear your solar plexus so you feel balanced & centered
💛 Allow you to lovingly stand in your power & truly see your worth
💛 Boost your self-confidence & self-love practices
💛 Take aligned actions that reflect what YOU truly want
💛 Embrace your uniqueness & accept your authentic self

💗 Thank you for allowing me to share this healing energy with you. Sending you so much love & positivity 💗

If you enjoyed this remote rapid Reiki healing show some love & gratitude by ❤️ this video and sharing with anyone you feel could use this energy healing.

Follow my page
➡️ For more Rapid Reiki videos
➡️ Visit our website to book a Reiki session


Do you struggle with insomnia?! If so, this Rapid Reiki energy healing is for you! Watch this Reiki before you go to bed to get a restful night’s sleep. 🛌
Save to watch whenever you need it & share with anyone you know that battles insomnia! Sweet dreams!! 💤

Just incase you were wondering if our bracelets make great gifts! They do!

Just incase you were wondering if our bracelets make great gifts! They do!


Watch this Reiki energy healing with your pet to deepen the connection & love you share, and to open your heart to nature.

Like, share, comment if you enjoyed this video.

I am a certified Reiki Master & Animal Healer and I offer animal Reiki for pets. If you’re interested in booking a session for your pet or learning more about the services I offer visit our website

PS: I am a certified Reiki Grand Master of 5 different styles of Reiki, certified angelic healer, certified crystal heal...

PS: I am a certified Reiki Grand Master of 5 different styles of Reiki, certified angelic healer, certified crystal healer, certified animal healer, certified tarot reader, psychic, medium, and a lot more 🙌🏼

Message me if you have any questions!


Book your session today!!

Book your session today!!


Happy Heart Chakra Distance Reiki If you need some heart healing, want some extra love & happiness in your life, or just...

Happy Heart Chakra Distance Reiki

If you need some heart healing, want some extra love & happiness in your life, or just want to increase your vibration of love this Reiki is for you!

I love all the chakras and all of them are important, but there is no stronger force in the universe than love.
Taking the time to heal & strengthen your heart chakra can have a profound impact on your life (freedom, happiness, increased love in all forms, improved health, and rapid manifestation abilities). Don’t forget- when you take the time to heal your heart chakra you’re helping heal the entire world because we are all one.

💗Radiate your beautiful love energy from the inside out!! 💗

Divine Guidance & love at its best!

Divine Guidance & love at its best!

Divine Download I received this AM for the collective about Divine Teams & Spirit Guides. Sending you all love!If you’re...

Divine Download I received this AM for the collective about Divine Teams & Spirit Guides. Sending you all love!

If you’re interested in personal readings, spiritual services, or Reiki visit our website

Benefits of Reiki for Kids!To learn more or book your child’s session visit our website            ...

Benefits of Reiki for Kids!
To learn more or book your child’s session visit our website

New Back to School Crystal Pocket SetReiki Infused Set is great for all students & fits perfectly in pockets & backpacks...

New Back to School Crystal Pocket Set
Reiki Infused Set is great for all students & fits perfectly in pockets & backpacks!
This 4 Piece Set:
✔️ Maintain focus & concentration
✔️ Encourages learning
✔️ Clears mental clutter & distractions
✔️ Strengthens patience when learning
✔️ Helps with learning disabilities
✔️ Overcome test anxiety
…. and so much more
Get your superstar student Fierce Focus today!

Himalayan Pink Salt infused with Divine love energy & Archangel healing. Purifies & protects heart chakra. Increase joy,...

Himalayan Pink Salt infused with Divine love energy & Archangel healing. Purifies & protects heart chakra. Increase joy, laughter & passion in daily life. Improves libido, sleep & complexion. Fills your aura with peaceful positive vibes. Opens your heart to true unconditional love from within. 6 oz Bag

Discover your inner Barbie!

Discover your inner Barbie!

Beautifully Blue 💠True Blue 💙 Protect and clear heart & throat chakra. Connect throat & heart chakra so you can be true ...

Beautifully Blue 💠

True Blue 💙
Protect and clear heart & throat chakra. Connect throat & heart chakra so you can be true and lovingly speak your truth. Direct connection to angelic realm. Let the Archangels whisper words of love, support & encouragement in your ear. Kiss all blues & sadness goodbye. Release all doubt about love & life. Give & receive unconditional love. Strong dream work support. Remeber & utilize the knowledge & guidance given in dreams. Heals throat illnesses.

Blue Love Necklace 💎
Protect and clear heart & throat chakra. Connect throat & heart chakra so you can be true and lovingly speak your truth. Direct connection to angelic realm. Let the Archangels whisper words of love, support & encouragement in your ear. Kiss all blues & sadness goodbye. Release all doubt about love & life. Give & receive unconditional love. Strong dream work support. Remeber & utilize the knowledge & guidance given in dreams. Heals throat illnesses.

Beautifully Blue 💠True Blue 💙 Protect and clear heart & throat chakra. Connect throat & heart chakra so you can be true ...

Beautifully Blue 💠

True Blue 💙
Protect and clear heart & throat chakra. Connect throat & heart chakra so you can be true and lovingly speak your truth. Direct connection to angelic realm. Let the Archangels whisper words of love, support & encouragement in your ear. Kiss all blues & sadness goodbye. Release all doubt about love & life. Give & receive unconditional love. Strong dream work support. Remeber & utilize the knowledge & guidance given in dreams. Heals throat illnesses.

Blue Love Necklace 💎
Protect and clear heart & throat chakra. Connect throat & heart chakra so you can be true and lovingly speak your truth. Direct connection to angelic realm. Let the Archangels whisper words of love, support & encouragement in your ear. Kiss all blues & sadness goodbye. Release all doubt about love & life. Give & receive unconditional love. Strong dream work support. Remeber & utilize the knowledge & guidance given in dreams. Heals throat illnesses.

🌺 Pretty Pink Leaves Earrings 💗"Embrace your feminine playful spirit. Wraps your aura in loving vibes and fills your min...

🌺 Pretty Pink Leaves Earrings 💗

"Embrace your feminine playful spirit. Wraps your aura in loving vibes and fills your mind with beautiful thoughts."

🛍 BARBIE MUST HAVES ARE HERE 🎀Don't worry your beautiful Barbie mind! Soul Sistas got you covered for all your Barbie Mu...


Don't worry your beautiful Barbie mind! Soul Sistas got you covered for all your Barbie Must Have! 🪅

💎 Kens Self Love Necklace + True Blue Bracelet 🫶
This set will have you moving with love starting from the inside and flowing out to all avenues of your life!

🩰 Barbie World Earrings 🫶
The perfect addition to your Barbie jewelry and you wrap yourself in these pink turquoise leaf dangle earrings.

🎀 Barbie Self Love Necklace + Sweetheart Bracelet 🫶
This set will have you moving with love starting from the inside and flowing out to all avenues of your life!

🔮 Discover Your Inner Barbie Crystal Set🫶
Take a step back and embrace all the beauty in yourself and your life with this one of a kind crystal set!

💓 Pink Love Salt 🫶
Place this in your home to amplify the love!

🛍Complete Cleanse Kit🫶
This "do it yourself" Kit will provide all the supplies and instructions for cleansing your home of any stagnant or unwanted energies and replenish all the love and good vibes you need in your very own !

💗BRACELET STACKS💗Are these two not just so beautiful together? 😍🙌Living with love is key to a happy life 🫶 These two are...


Are these two not just so beautiful together? 😍🙌

Living with love is key to a happy life 🫶

These two are going to help you start with loving from within then help spread that into every aspect of your life💞

Self-love is so important❕It energizes you with good, vibrant energy as opposed to draining you and leaving dull, stagnant energy🔆

Allow Queen of Hearts to help you love and care for yourself like Barbie! Love everything about you! Fall in love with YOU! 💝

THEN, let’s take it a step further and see everything through a lease of love with Divine Love💘

I’m sure you all know the difference between seeing a “bad” situation out of anger compared to seeing that situation out of love and compassion 🤝 Allow Divine Love to help you in this next step of living in true love 💗

Ken gets love too! 💙If you're a Ken, start with some Zen! 🌀If you love your Ken, bless your Ken with it all! 💎🧊Cool It K...

Ken gets love too! 💙

If you're a Ken, start with some Zen! 🌀

If you love your Ken, bless your Ken with it all! 💎

🧊Cool It Kyanite
"Keep Ken cool under pressure!"

🩻Puppy Love
"Keep Ken clean!"

💠Treat Yo'Self
"Remind your Ken how amazing he is!"

🌊Blue Pineapple
"Energize Ken!"

🪬Can't Kill My Vibe
"Give Ken a dose of high vibes!"

🛝Sup Shamans
"Hope Ken become more zen!"

🌚Big Blue Moon
"Help Ken express himself!"

🪩Blue Flame
"Ignite Ken's passion!"


Reiki will always help

You can be a Barbie Girl💕 in your own Barbie World if you want to! 🫶Barbie, above all, is confident💅 in herself and ever...

You can be a Barbie Girl💕 in your own Barbie World if you want to! 🫶

Barbie, above all, is confident💅 in herself and everything she does! Which is why she is able to do ANYTHING she puts her mind to!

Grab these bracelets while they're on sale and have so much fun rocking them while:

💝 Queen of Hearts
"Love and care for yourself like Barbie!"

💞 Pinky Power
"Be your best self!"

💗Sweet Thang
"Make time to play!"

💘Pink Graffiti
"Imagine and create your dream life!"

💕 Pink Hottie
"Be a hottie, love your body!"

💓Pink Kitty
"Get your glow on!"

💞Divine Love
"View life through a lense of love!"

💖Archangel Love
"Vibe high like Barbie!"


Our LONGEST RESIDENT and VIP (50% fee) is desperately looking for a forever home 💔

Mimosa is an amazing dog and anyone who meets her falls in LOVE! Please come meet her at our next event!

Details: West Arlington Petco
Saturday 6/17 12-2pm

I LEGIT LOVE SMOKY QUART! What do you love about this AMAZING crystal?Great grounding crystal that also powerfully prote...

I LEGIT LOVE SMOKY QUART! What do you love about this AMAZING crystal?

Great grounding crystal that also powerfully protects you in so many ways. This crystal helps manifest, heals mental & emotional pain, strengthens connection to the Divine, increases focus, improves organization, and so much more!
I guess what I’m saying is, what doesn’t smoky quartz do?!? 🥰
Did I mention our smoky quartz is also infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy AND set with a specific healing intention?!? Grab yours on our website

We’re so excited to announce our interview with Canvas Rebel is live! Grateful for the opportunity to share our story wi...

We’re so excited to announce our interview with Canvas Rebel is live! Grateful for the opportunity to share our story with y’all! We truly love all of you and your continued support makes our dream possible!
Article Link:

Give your mom the BEST Mother’s Day gift ever… REIKI!All Reiki sessions are 50% off until 5/14Use Code MOMLOVE at checko...

Give your mom the BEST Mother’s Day gift ever… REIKI!
All Reiki sessions are 50% off until 5/14
Use Code MOMLOVE at checkout
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Dallas, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm




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