Do you like plants? Do you see me at my office or have you ever thought you should? I've officially reached the sourdough starter phase of low maintenance plant keeping. Come get a plant. There's more at home, but someone has decided that my best window is only for edibles (See comment).
I'm glad when people get good results, and I'm glad when acupuncture has good press. HowEVAH. Have you heard acupuncture in the ear is good for weight loss? New study, statistically significant, yadda yadda. IT ALSO INCLUDED HALVING THE CALORIC INTAKE. Which is not to say stress management, good sleep, and being mindful (all of which acupuncture is good for!) don't help with maintaining a healthy weight! But be informed; the headlines are often misleading. So, while "acupuncture cures alphagal syndrome" is exciting for meat eaters who might have had tick bites, you don't know how well it's going to work for you. So wear protective clothing and insect repellent and check yourself when you come back inside from your hike, yeah?