Getting old sucks, right? Like everything else in life, it is what you make of it. Science says we peak at 18-25, then start to lose strength and mobility. Attitude and belief are more important than science. 40 days from turning 43 years old, I'm finally starting to see some success with the dragon squat - arguably the most difficult squat variation out there! Is it perfect? No. But it's progress - and something I never could have imagined doing when I was 18-25. I know it's cliche, but believe in yourself and you really can do just about anything! #fitnessafter40 #littlesteps #success #dragonsquat
Been drinking @drinkmudwtr for about 9 days now. Feeling like I'm more focused, relaxed and alert during the day, less air-headed, and sleeping better at night.
#mushroomsformentalhealth #medicinalmushroom #mudwtr #coffeealternative #adhd #mentalhealth #healthyliving
Hate Bulgarian squats? Burpees? Give Bulgarian squat burpees a try!!!
#fitness #fitnesstips #conditioning #bulgariansplitsquats #burpees
Bulletproof your wrists with this series of ACTIVE stretches. Make sure you are actually pressing, not just going through the movements passively! This routine is what alleviated my wrist pain that I'd had for years.
#rehab #prehab #activestretching #mobility #bulletproofjoints #strength #fitness #fitnesstips
Tried @drinkmudwtr for the first time yesterday. Tastes good and I felt more calm and focused all day. Drank the mudwtr:rest last night after dinner. Fell asleep earlier and actually woke up feeling rested for the first time in months! Not going to say it's because of drinking it - 1 day is too early to make a correlation, but if it's consistent for a few days, then I'll be willing to say it's because of the mudwtr.
#drinkmudwtr #coffeealternative #healthyliving #tryitout
Trying out Mud\Wtr
Not affiliated with @drinkmudwtr I'm just trying it to see how it helps because of the many neurological benefits of the various mushrooms in it. Really tastes good at least!
Have a great Easter Sunday!
#easter #heisrisen #jesus #springtime
Part 2 of my bulletproof ankles routine. These are the strengthening exercises that allow me to avoid injury when I roll my ankle - because I've got strength in the rolled position, so my body can handle it. If you missed part 1, go back and check it out. And don't forget a like and a follow for more injury prevention and health tips!
#rehab #prehab #injuryprevention #ankles #training
Bulletproof Ankles Part 1 - increasing ROM
I uses to sprain my ankles ALL THE TIME! I came up with this routine and haven't had a sprain since - even when rolling my ankles at full sprint!
This is part 1 of 2. Part one focuses on increasing range of motion. Part 2 is about increasing strength at the new ROM, so the body is able to handle the load when you go there accidentally.
Baby goat photo dump. 2 are 9 days old. 2 are 1 day old.
#urbanfarm #babygoats #tiktok #babygoats #homesteadlife
Baby goats!
Violet had her babies yesterday!
Run, climb, play, whatever! All that's really important is that you keep your body moving. Outside time also provides you with sunlight, which triggers your body to produce vitamin D, and fresh air!
Tell me about your favorite outdoor activity in the comments!
Gotta find a way to move your body, no matter the weather. No excuses!
I'm really an idiot in the kitchen. My wife @megpope89 usually does the baking, but wasn't feeling well, so I got to give it a go. Turned out pretty well, thanks to the cookbook from @thefoodnanny
Wife told me I needed to pick up some chicks today! Can't wait til they start laying š„š„š„
#backyardchickens #urbanfarming #kansas #selfsufficient #growyourownfood #wichita
It's been years since I REALLY practiced capoeira, but I had kept myself in decent shape - until covid. I started staying indoors more, put on 40 pounds, and lost strength and flexibility.
The past couple weeks I started back to practicing capoeira again, partly to help me get back in shape, but also just because I miss it.
Today, as a 40 year old with a big belly, I felt like I've loosened up enough over the past few days to give one of my favorite moves a go.
Took a couple of tries and the successful attempt is far from pretty, but I finally landed it.
The point is - you're never too old to pick up old activities you enjoy OR to get back in shape, so don't let the number of trips you've taken around the sun stop you - just get out and get started.
My boys are doing tennis lessons again this year! Is tennis my favorite sport? No. Is that important? Also, no. What's important is that my kids are moving and it's something they enjoy. It's infinitely easier to stay focused and motivated with an activity you enjoy.
If you don't have the patience or discipline for repetitive exercises like pushups, squats, or burpees, take a lesson from my kids and find an activity THAT YOU ENJOY to get moving.