👼🏻💙 Gender Reveal 💗👼🏻
*Future Her Health Babies*
It’s been a hot minute since we have done an in office reveal, but these parents could not wait to see what there were having!!!! First girl or third boy???
... Daddy was right!! Look at those smiles!! Probably the biggest emotions/anticipation we have had. Touched our hearts with this one 💙💙💙
#herbealthbabies #herhealthbaby #futureherhealthbaby #thirdgenerationherhealthbaby #maybefourthtimesthecharm #happyparents #inofficegenderreveal
Here are some more of our October/November visitors! Just a bunch of cuddles, you know..
#herhealthbabies #herhealthbaby #itsrainingkids #thebusytrio #lovewhatyoudosmileeveryday
💙👼🏻💓GeNdEr Re@veAl💓👼🏻💙
Sweetest gender reveal ever!!!!!! We hope this next baby looks just like his big brother!! ❤️❤️ Our new favorite visitor!!!!
You guys are the best!! When patients notice details... like Dr Larrazaleta’s love💜 for crazy 😜socks and bring by crazy doctor socs😍
Thank you! (You know who you are)
And after 3 girls what do we get?????
One more princess!!!!! Congratulations to this adorable Family!!!!! Maybe the next one will be a boy?!
💥Quick sneak peak tour before starting off the day..
Decorations still to come, but at least we can work. Lets just say that dor now we are Minimalists 🤣
💙👼🏻💗 Gender Reveal💗👼🏻💙
Our largest gender reveal crowd yet for Jesselle! Congratulations!! It's a....
#herhealthgenderreveals #herhealthobgyn #genderrevealfun
It is incredible that something so tiny and normal like this uterus can cause a thirty year old woman to have the heaviest periods!!
If you have uncontrolled bleeding come by for an appointment to discuss the multiple options we have, from hormonal therapies to endometrial ablations and hysterectomies.
Don’t let your uterus boss you around. You are a boss babe and deserve to enjoy your days EVERY DAY OF THE MONTH 👍🏻❤️
💙👼🏻💗GeNdEr ReVeAl💗👼🏻💙
Congratulations Sara & Daddy!! You lost the bet girl!! But you are getting a wonderful Baby BOY💙💙💙
#herhealthgenderreveal #gendereveal #itsaboy!#proudlarentstobe
💙👼🏻💗 Gender Reveal💗👼🏻💙
Congratulations to Paola! She's getting her little baby prince! It's a BOY!
#herhealthgenderreveals #herhealthobgyn #genderrevealfun
💙👼🏻💖Gender Reveal Alert💖👼🏻💙
FELICIDADES VALERIA!!! No te lo podías creer! La niña que querías. La sorpresa estuvo buena!! 💗
Esperamos que te la disfrutes!!
Happy Tuesday from West side location!!!!! Keep warm ya’ll..