On this final Friday of #CraniosynostosisAwarenessMonth I thank you Lydia Yatras for allowing me to share these adorable photos!
So proud to share this beautiful young lady. Her parents put their trust in me over 20 years ago. Thanks for allowing me to share these photos.
#craniosynostosisawarenessmonth @El Paso Children's Hospital
From the mom of this sweet guy! Thank you Iliana.
#craniosynostosisawarenessmonth El Paso Children's Hospital
September is near and dear to my heart for TWO reasons. September is craniosynostosis awareness month & NICU awareness month!!
As many as you know Noah was born at 27 weeks 4 days (weighing 2lbs 4oz) and having to spend his first 97 days in the NICU at Clear Lake Regional Hospital. The toughest 97 days of my life. It was a journey life had not prepared me for. It was hard on me each and every day, leaving the hospital without my son. Why did this happen? Why me? - so many questions unanswered. But I know god, blessed me with a tiny miracle for a reason and his early entrance to this world was what we needed. He showed me what strength was.
Fast forward to July 28, 2017 Noah gets to come home. He’s perfect, everything is perfect (ok, a little adjusting was needed) but needless to say all worth it.
Sometime in August/September of the same year Noah’s pediatrician noticed a ridge on Noah’s head and referred us to a neurosurgeon here in Houston. Where was my strength? The strength I had acquired over the 97 days he had been in the NICU.
We went ahead and scheduled an appt, the neurosurgeon had a CT scan ordered that confirmed his metopic suture was fused (had closed prematurely, but not associated with him being born premature). My momma heart was broken! I was at a total loss, and disbelief that my baby who had only been home a short period of time was diagnosed with metopic cranio.
I cried for days, I couldn’t focus, I spent my days at work doing research and looking at pictures of other babies. I had anxiety attack’s, I had to visit my OB and get prescribed medication to help me. I was restless and could not sleep. All meanwhile, having my son at home with me.
What were we going to do? The options were CVR (cranial vault reconstruction) or wait it out and see. There were no signs of pressure to the brain, but we weren’t guaranteed he wo
Check out this story from one of our good friends Erin Ward Soper and her handsome son Fisher, now a happy, healthy 6 year old.
#craniosynostosisawarenessmonth El Paso Children's Hospital
My name is Erin and I'm the mamma to Fisher who thanks to his pediatrician was diagnosed with Craniosynostosis at 8 weeks old. From that moment on our worlds were turned upside down. We were in the land of the unknown, full of terrifying online photos and information and no real connection to anyone that could help us. I was desperately searching for something or someone who could explain this to me so I understood it and we could make a plan of attack. Who knew after our diligence and work we would be blessed with finding our angels.. Lisa and Dr. Jimenez. From the moment I spoke with Lisa- you can't even imagine what a hysteric mess of a mamma I was on that phone call, I knew all our prayers were answered. She was unbelievably calm, sweet, knowledgeable and just so friendly. I instantly knew we were in good hands. When Lisa told me to send photos and Dr. Jimenez would look at them and diagnose him via photos I thought she was crazy. How could this man see something in a photo that I couldn't see holding him for 2 months. Well sure enough, he did it ~ Dr. said Fisher was a perfect candidate and that he had Sagittal Craniosynostosis and that he would be happy to be his Dr. From that moment it was a whirlwind. We had our first in person appointment which only secured me fully knowing we were in the right hands and that this was our angel on Earth. Dr. Jimenez has a way with people and children and can make you calm in the most terrifying situations. The work Dr. and his team do is challenging, emotional and life changing. I can't imagine the path we would be on had we not have crossed paths With Dr. Jimenez and his team. He literally saved my child's life and I am and will be eternally grateful for the rest of my life. Fisher is a perfect, smart, funny, sweet, athletic, e
Happy Monday. How can it not be a happy Monday when you look at this sweet, happy face?
Samantha Santillan
September 5 at 11:31 AM ·
In honor of #craniosynostosisawarenessmonth heres my sweet guy #craniowarrior #4yearslater David F. Jimenez MD, FACS we were blessed with a wonderful doctor and team
Colton's Cranio Story
Our craniosynostosis story for today is Colton as told by his Mom Ashley. Please help us raise awareness by sharing.
In February of 2013 my son was born by emergency c-section. He spent the first few weeks of his life in the NICU. During this time we were so focused on the issues he was dealing with from prematurity we didn’t notice anything odd about the shape of his head. However, once home, I noticed a slight asymmetry to his forehead. I began to google and my heart sank when I realized what he had. The next few months I spent trying to get a diagnosis. The pediatricians I saw told me the shape would round out in time. I knew in my gut it was something more. I decided to seek out a specialist. My husband and I traveled to hear our worst fears confirmed. Our baby boy had left coronal craniosynostosis. At the end of the appointment our heads were spinning! 8 hour surgery, ear to ear incision, skull removed and broken up, entire blood volume lost possibly twice.... All of these phrases on repeat in our heads. We headed back to our hotel physically ill. I began to research day and night. I heard about the endoscopic procedure in a support group but it had so much negativity tied to it. So, I waited. I felt sick. No peace. I couldn’t eat or sleep. All I did was research. Then, I found a doctor right in my own city who had pioneered this endoscopic procedure. This neurosurgeon who had done the open procedure many many times had developed this “smaller surgery” out of fear his own child would have craniosynostosis. Wow! I had learned the procedure needed to be preformed before the age of 6 months in most cases. Our son was over 4 months at the time. So we rushed! We made an appointment with Dr. David Jimenez. After talking with Dr. Jimenez we were completely at peace. Yes, still extremely nervous but we knew we had found the right doctor for our son. On June 27, 2013 at 4.5 months of age Dr. Jimenez preformed the endoscopic procedure on our son. 43 minu
Sweet Kellen
Kellen's cranio story told by his MOM.
Happy Birthday to this little guy. Thanks to Mom and Dad for sharing the photos with me.
It has been an exciting week of graduation from helmets. Thanks to the parents of these three for allowing me to share these photos. Congratulations. Nothing makes me happier than seeing these beautifully perfect babies (and parents) graduate from this part of the journey.
Look at her now! Happy Birthday Abby!
Happy Birthday Abby! I first met Abby when she was a baby after a car accident. Look at her now! Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing her so we can celebrate her big day.