💥Adjustment💥. The last thing we do for table time at Wardy Wellness is adjust the spine and extremities. In part 3 of 3 with Margaret we clean up some fascia and move the passive system(spine & joints). Although the adjustment is an important part of the visit, the passive system (spine & joints) is at the mercy of the other four subsystems (neural, fascia, active, emotional). A subluxation (misalignment of a vertebra or joint) is caused by a loss of communication from our nervous system to our bodies. This loss of communication affects the structural integrity of our spine and joints. To sum it up, it’s not about the crack/pop! There are many ways to move a bone. We use gentle instrument assisted adjustments along with manual adjusting. What is used depends on the patient, area of the body, and how much movement is needed. Video credit: @#chiropractic #wardywellness
✨Central Integration✨. EMOTIONS Part 2 of 3In our previous video we showed you how we assess for emotional interference. In this video we show you how we balance Margaret’s nervous system to the emotional interference we tested her for. Our nervous system responds to light, sound, smell, and touch. Each tool we use holds a specific frequency that is utilized to balance our energy systems. Central integration is achieved through using the correct laser frequency, color, sound, essential oil blend, and neurological integration reset. The outcome is activation throughout the body where we had a loss of integrity or inability to move energy. #chiropractic #wardywellness
😊😭Emotions😁🥰 Table time at Wardy Wellness involves addressing the five subsystems that contribute to interference and a loss of COHERENCE.In part 1 of 3 our practice member Margaret shows Emotions as priority at the beginning of our visit. We challenge a number of muscles throughout the body to see what is active and what is not. Inactive muscles contribute to a loss of structural integrity which is what leads to poor spine and joint health. Energy must be able to flow effortlessly through the body for us to maintain and achieve a healthy state. Emotions …. ENERGY in motion can either strengthen your body or weaken its ability to maintain COHERENCE.Emotions of Power:Trust —NeutralityOptimism —WillingnessForgiveness —AcceptanceUnderstanding —ReasonReverence—LoveSerenity —JoyBliss —PeaceIneffable —EnlightenmentEmotions of Force:Scorn —PrideHate —AngerCraving —DesireAnxiety —FearRegret —GriefDespair —ApathyBlame —GuiltHumiliation —ShameOur ability to process our Emotions, digest if you will, is important part of our well-being. Emotional/Mental stress contributes to symptoms like pain, fatigue, poor digestion, inflammation, poor sleep, brain-fog, and more….#wardywellness #drwardy #chiropractic #wellness
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not: Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not: The world is full of educated derelicts.
In this episode we dive deep into the power of persistence and determination and finding opportunity in adversity. Sam Clarke shares his journey to IBJJF Worlds. Sam sustained an injury prior to competing in Worlds and we also dive into the power of process in self-care to support healing and growth. There are a ton of gems in this episode on mindset and motivation, check it out!!!
#ibjjf #jiujitsu
In Vancouver to visit Dr. Nick Jensen & Tribe and attend NIS Masters. This weekend is definitely filling my cup. #wardywellness #divineelementsnaturopathic
❤️ Some love from our practice members ❤️ Grateful and blessed to serve our wellness community. #wardywellness #drwardy
💫 We are conscious, self-developing, self-maintaining and self-healing.
💫Our systems work best when they are free of interference.
💫There are three interferences- Physical stress, bio-chemical stress, and emotional stress.
💫 To fully express our innate potential we must have an active role in removing stress.
💫Self-Care is an essential part of being healthy and well.
❓What do you do for self-care❓
#wellness #vitality
Part of living a healthy lifestyle includes finding connection with Mother Nature. Getting to the mountains or beach is strong medicine. Nature heals.
One of the many blessings of what I do for a living. Honored to be present with my best friend this weekend while he performed his art and craft. One of the hardest working human beings I know. So proud of you brother! You rocked it!! #2 in the World!!! 🌎 #jiujitsu #ibjjf #ibjjfworlds #wardywellness #drwardy #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticlifestyle