We read each other’s posts with vigor, enthusiasm and joy bc sometimes those posts spark something within us…perhaps a memory...a time when we believed we could put a human on the moon (and did), a time when we fought for equality and free speech and human potential, a time when we stood boldly for a counter culture, a time when we believed all things were possible.
We are currently living in a time of turmoil, uncertainty, discomfort...a time that none of us likes no matter which side of the political aisle we sit.
But...but...but we have all tasted the glory of the human spirit. We’ve seen how the flower children on Haight Ashbury in SF could see love in all things; how peace trumps war; how kindness wins every single time.
So, how about if we collectively hope for a better America and world? How about if we take this Monday, the day we celebrate MLK, and focus our hopes on bringing peace and love and kindness and compassion back to the forefront of our consciousness and see if we can shift where we are to where we would like to be...a CIVILization that history will look back upon with fondness and say “they collectively caused the world to change for the better.”
I firmly believe in the collective consciousness and how it can positively impact our lives.
Will you join me today and focus on a better world?
“So in the days ahead let us not sink into the quicksands of violence; rather let us stand on the high ground of love and non-injury.” MLK, Jr.
If you want to share this to your personal page and expand this idea, please do so. We need help now. It’s up to us and together we’re better. Thanks for reading.