Happy Feel Good Friday! With just one more week left we wanted to take a moment to highlight Christopher Reeve, best known for his role as Superman. In 1995, Reeve experienced a life-changing equestrian accident that resulted in paralysis from a spinal cord injury. Following his accident, he became a passionate advocate for individuals with disabilities, giving a voice to those who may not have had one. Reeve often expressed that the individuals he met in rehabilitation centers and hospitals were his heroes, as they faced significant challenges without adequate resources, yet demonstrated remarkable resilience. As a political and community advocate, he also established resources such as the Reeve-Irvine Research Center at the University of California, Irvine College of Medicine which focuses on studying trauma and diseases affecting the spinal cord, to develop interventions encouraging recovery of neurological function. Have a super weekend Dukes, and good luck on finals next week!
Image: Christopher Reeve with decorative superhero elements surrounding him
Text: “Some people are walking around with full use of their bodies and they're more paralyzed than I am.”
Christopher Reeve Actor, Activist, Director, Author, Superman