Have you ever been having such a good day that it is hard to hide it? Chuck was caught having just one of those days. The weather is beautiful this morning in the shade of the Harrisonburg Day Program Pavilion, he is with friends he cares about, and doing things he enjoys. We all hope you are having a good day too.
#plentyofabilities #daysupports #pleasantviewinc #intellectualdisabilities #developmentaldisabilities #goodday #goodfriends #goodmorning #goodfriendsarehardtofind #beautifulweather
Last night the Rotary Club of Broadway-Timberville invited Pleasant View Inc. to an ice cream social at Heritage Park. We enjoyed eating ice cream and getting to know each other better. Later, we were all introduced to a 4lb puppy. Shade, friends, ice cream and puppies are ingredients for a good summer evening.
#pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #BroadwayVA #heritageparkbroadwayva #rotaryinternational #rotaryofbroadwaytimberville #CelebrateDifferences #communityintegration #buildingrelationships #icecreamsocial
Last night the Rotary Club of Broadway-Timberville invited Pleasant View Inc. to an ice cream social at Heritage Park. We enjoyed eating ice cream and getting to know each other better. Later, we were all introduced to a 4lb puppy. Shade, friends, ice cream and puppies are ingredients for a good summer evening.
#pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #BroadwayVA #heritageparkbroadwayva #rotaryinternational #rotaryofbroadwaytimberville #CelebrateDifferences #communityintegration #buildingrelationships #icecreamsocial
When you order from Domino's Pizza on June 6th, you support individuals at Pleasant View Inc. with disabilities to live out their goals for meaningful work, relationships. Thank you Domino's Pizza, Domino's Pizza, Domino's Pizza, and Domino's Pizza for giving us this opportunity. π₯° ππ
#pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #residentialsupports #daysupports #supportedemployment #developmentaldisabilities #intellectualdisabilities #autism #inclusion #community #communitypartners #dominospizza #makingadifference #downsyndrome
Golf Fore EMPOWERMENT Sponsors dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live with purpose. May 31, 2024
#pleasantviewinc #inclusionmatters #makingadifference #golfingforacause #developmentaldisabilities #thankyou #intellectualdisabilities #golfing
Celebrating our similarities and dressing up as twins!
#pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #dressalike #inclusionmatters #daysupportprogram #developmentaldisabilities #Twinsday #inclusion #CelebrateTogether #similarities
This is fun!
#pleasantviewinc #oriolesbaseball #camdenyards #thegoodseats #imgladwehaveponchos
#baltimoreorioles #baltimoremd #roadtrip #drpt #AccessibleVans
Joanie is adding the water. It was a heavy glass so Maria helped her to hold it.
#volunteerappreciation #pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #baking #bakingtogether #love #friendship #respect #appreciation #intellectualdisabilities #developmentaldisabilities #harrisonburgdaysupportservices #jmu #jmuapo #thankyou #thankfulgratefulblessed
Maria and Dennis chat while working on the cake. Dennis is quick to ask why she didn't bring him one of the cinnimon rolls she was talking about making. It is fun to bake together and learn stuff about each other.
#volunteerappreciation #pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #baking #bakingtogether #love #friendship #respect #appreciation #intellectualdisabilities #developmentaldisabilities #harrisonburgdaysupportservices #jmu #jmuapo #thankyou #thankfulgratefulblessed
We had a great team preparing the treats for our volunteers. Joanie is buttering the cake pan while Chuck supervises.
#volunteerappreciation #pleasantviewinc #plentyofabilities #baking #bakingtogether #love #friendship #respect #appreciation #intellectualdisabilities #developmentaldisabilities #harrisonburgdaysupportservices #jmu #jmuapo #thankyou #thankfulgratefulblessed
Thank you to our Board of Directors. They all gave before 4 Pm which enters us into a drawing for $1,500. Great Community Give
#inclusionmatters #pleasantviewinc
Tomorrow you can make a difference in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by donating to us during the Great Community Give at www.tinyurl.com/give2pvi
We are focusing on trying to witn a golden ticket prize of $700. You can help by donating between 10-11am, 2-3pm, or 4-5pm.
Who prays for you? This song sparked joy in the worship team today. Thank you Derek for leading the team and singing even when your voice doesn't feel 100%. You all sound great. #devdisabilityawareness #plentyofabilities #everyabilitycounts #InclusionMatters #pleasantviewinc #IDD #dd #advocateinclusivity #idd #advocateinclusion #DD #CelebrateDifferences #worshipteam
Still more joy...Find out who prays for John.
#worshipteam #devdisabilityawareness #plentyofabilities #everyabilitycounts #InclusionMatters #pleasantviewinc #IDD #dd #advocateinclusivity #idd #advocateinclusion #DD #CelebrateDifferences
More joy...the video was too long to post all at one time. Who prays for David?
#devdisabilityawareness #plentyofabilities #everyabilitycounts #InclusionMatters #pleasantviewinc #IDD #dd #advocateinclusivity #idd #advocateinclusion #DD #CelebrateDifferences
This song sparked joy in our #worship team today. Derek, thank you for leading the worship team members and supporting everyone in sharing their gifts. Thanks for singing today eventhough your voice didn't feel 100% you sound great.
#devdisabilityawareness #plentyofabilities #everyabilitycounts #InclusionMatters #pleasantviewinc #IDD #dd #advocateinclusivity #idd #advocateinclusion #DD #CelebrateDifferences
Order from Harrisonburg, Broadway, and Bridgewater Domino's on February 1st and support Pleasant View's vision that all people will have the opportunity to live in and enrich their communities. #missiondriven #intellectualdisability #developmentaldisabilities #autism #downsyndrome #communityliving #philanthropy #SupportedEmployment #supportedliving #daysupport