If you are on West Maui and are returning to your home, please be careful on how you clean up any ash from the fires
#MauiFire #MauiStrong
Kauka, kauka haumana and many other medical colleagues celebrated the life and legacy of Noa Emmett Auwae Aluli
Ke ʻŌlino Nei Mālamalama: HCBE in the future
Ke ʻŌlino Nei Mālamalama: HCBE in the future
HCBE: Moʻokūʻauhau of a Movement
Welcome to our first presentation of Week 3 – E Ola ka Lāhui: Culture Based Education. Tonight's presentation is called "HCBE: Moʻokūʻauhau of a Movement.
Community advocates and educators discuss the history of the movement for Hawaiian Culture-Based Education (HCBE), its successes, and its impacts today.
Panelists: Kalehua Krug, Walter Kahumoku III, Nāmaka Rawlins, and Kimo Alama Keaulana
Moderator: Manuwai Peters
Learn more on hawaiianhistorymonth.org.
#HawaiianHistoryMonth #HawaiianHistoryMonth2022 #MahinaMoaukalaHawaii #EOlaKaLahui #HCBE #HawaiianBasedEducation
I Ulu nō ka Lālā i ke Kumu & He Noi‘ina Ma‘i
Join us for two spectacular Hawaiian Health presentations: “I Ulu nō ka Lālā i ke Kumu” & “He Noi‘ina Ma‘i.”
Presentation 1: "I Ulu nō ka Lālā i ke Kumu: Child-Rearing Traditions Recalled by Native Hawaiian Kūpuna."
A must-see presentation for all mākua! Hawaiian pediatrician Carol Hi‘ilani Titcomb shares her findings from years of interviewing kūpuna about how they were raised and how they raised their own families.
Presentation 2: "He Noi‘ina Ma‘i: A Medical Pedigree of the Hawaiian Monarchy from Historical Hawaiian Language Accounts"
Hawaiian language and archive graduate students, Leikuluwaimaka Meleiseā and Kalā Domingo present the medical conditions of our ali‘i as uncovered in Hawaiian language resources.
Learn more at hawaiianhistorymonth.org. #HawaiianHistoryMonth2022 #HawaiianHistoryMonth #MahinaMoaukalaHawaii #Hoola #HawaiianHealth
He Lālā Ulu: Maoli Traditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Join us for "He Lālā Ulu: Maoli Traditions of Pregnancy and Childbirth Can Influence the Development of a Srong Lāhui."
Presented by Ka‘iulani Odom, Puni Jackson and Wahinehula Kaʻeo. Kaʻiulani Odom & Puni Jackson are with Ka Lāhui o ka Pō at Kōkua Kalihi Valley health center; Wahinehula Ka‘eo is co-founder of Kalauokekahuli on Maui. They will bring Haumea to the discussion of traditions of hāpai (pregnancy) and hānau (birth).
Learn more at hawaiianhistorymonth.org. #HawaiianHistoryMonth #HawaiianHistoryMonth2022 #MahinaMoaukalaHawaii #Hoola #HawaiianHeal
Thursday Night at Hale Kaohinani
Honoring the memory of Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell who revived La Hoihoi Ea to assure a thriving lahui. Featuring Noa Emmett Aluli, JoAnn Tsark and Hardy Spoehr!
One of four people who have experienced COVID-19 have symptoms of Long COVID. What are the symptoms? What should be anticipated? Where is Long COVID care available? Hawai'i physicians Jordan Lee and Dominic Chow answer your questions about Long COVID.
E OLA MAU A MAU - Reporting back to the Community on the Native Hawaiian Health Assessments: Findings, Promising Approaches, Gaps and Recommendations
E OLA MAU A MAU - Reporting back to the Community on the Native Hawaiian Health Assessments: Findings, Promising Approaches, Gaps and Recommendations.
E OLA MAU A MAU - Reporting back to the Community on the Native Hawaiian Health Assessments: Findings, Promising Approaches, Gaps and Recommendations
E OLA MAU A MAU - Episode #5 of this Report-to-the-Community series features Drs. Jodi Leslie Matsuo and Claire Hughes on Nutrition & Food Systems and Dr. Emi Eno-Orikasa on Oral Health Among Native Hawaiians. Join us!
E OLA MAU A MAU - Lāhui Medical Report
Episode #4 of the E Ola Mau a Mau report to the community features Kauka (Doctor) Martina Kamaka and Kauka (Doctor) Heather Haynes.
EOMaM Webinar Series: Episode 3
E Ola Mau a Mau is the updated Native Hawaiian Health Needs Assessment. Episode 3 highlights mental and behavioral health among Native Hawaiians featuring Dr. Deb Goebert and Kate Kahoano.
EOMaM Webinar Series
Panelists Keaweʻaimoku Kaholokula, PhD, and Earl Kawaʻa will share their perspectives on the process, findings, and recommendations of this chapter of E Ola Mau a Mau.
EOMaM Webinar Series
Sharing EOMaM & WILL to the community w/speakers and exoerts
Saige Leikuluwaimaka Meleiseā & Kahikinaokalā Domingo draw from "Anatomia" to explore the relationship Hawaiians had with the human anatomy
HE NOI'INA MA'I: No Ka Wai 'Ele'ele a ka Po'e 'Ike
Kahikinaokalā Domingo & Saige Leikuluwaimaka Meleiseā offer a compilation of health related concepts from Hawaiian dictionaries and other resources.
ASK-A-KAUKA - COVID Stories from the Front Line
Our Aliʻi Took Action | A History of Survival
These are unprecedented times, COVID-19 Delta Variant is surging through our community. In response, a number of us have come together to produce a series of pieces to show how our aliʻi handled times much like this in the last two centuries.
We come from a legacy of aliʻi who placed the wellbeing of their people above all else. When faced with the ravages of disease brought to our shores, a steep decline of our population, and an unimaginable loss of culture and identity our leaders took action to ensure future generations could thrive.
As descendants of survivors, we too must take action for our people, for our future. Get vaccinated, wear a mask, social distance, and quarantine if needed.
Stay tuned for more historical pieces as Hawaiian History month approaches and as we work hard as a community to flatten the curve.
Lāhui COVID-19 Press Conference
Join Native Hawaiian leaders from various sectors of the community as they unite to encourage everyone to do their part to stop the surge of COVID-19.
Livestreaming via ʻŌiwi TV . Organized by COVID Pau and the Hawai'i State Senate. Mahalo to all our partners: Papa Ola Lokahi, Kamehameha Schools, Liliuokalani Trust, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Lunalilo Home, Partners In Development Foundation, Congressman Kaiali‘i Kahele, Ka Wai Ola News, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Hawai'i Covid-19 3R Team, ‘Ahahui ‘o nā Kauka, Association of Native Hawaiian Physicians, Hawaii Community Foundation, Kanaeokana, Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī Coalition, Mana I Ka Leo Power of the Voice, The Kūpuna Network, Aina Aloha Economic Futures, Waipukua Foundation, Ekolu Mea Nui, and Bennet Group Strategic Communications
Lilihua: Hurricane Preparedness in Hawaiʻi
A series of kanaka presenters sharing about preparing for hurricanes and other natural disasters in Hawaiʻi. E hoʻomākaukau a lilihua. Get ready and be prepared!
August 14- Prepping with Ohana with Keahi Camara
August 21- ʻAipono During Natural Disasters with Kaʻiulani Odom
August 28 - Financial Peace Preparedness with Dr. Katie Kamelamela