Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and prosperous new year from CareAllies!
CareAllies Population Health
In today’s #healthcare environment, patients seek care from numerous sources, including emergency or urgent care facilities and multiple specialists. All too often, primary care physicians do not have insights about those visits, medications their patients are prescribed or the advice they receive. That is where CareAllies, rated #1 in value-based care (#VBC) by Black Book Market Research LLC, can help. Check out our latest video to learn how CareAllies supports- #primarycare physicians by understanding each healthcare organization and then identifying the processes and technologies that can help give providers the right information at the right time.
2023 CareAllies Rx Residency Poster Presentations
As part of our partnership with the University of Houston College of Pharmacy and Cigna Healthcare, our CareAllies pharmacy residents presented posters at the AMCP 2023 annual meeting.
Nkese Essien focused on evaluating a health plan's expenditures on withdrawn accelerated approval drugs.
Kush Modashia studied the effect of evidence-based medications on hospitalization for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.
Download the full abstracts here: https://bit.ly/42T7BFp
PLI 2022
As we return to some sense of normalcy and begin to engage with each other in person, this year’s on-location Physician Leadership Institute (PLI) at the beautiful Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Sandestin, Florida, was a success. We were able to offer 7.5 CME credits to physicians this year with our robust agenda! We hope everyone had as great a time as we did, and we can’t wait to see you all at PLI 2023!
RPO Retreat 2022
We were delighted to host our latest retreat for Renaissance Physicians Organization, an independent physician association managed by CareAllies. The beautiful San Luis Resort Spa & Conference Center in Galveston, Texas, was the perfect setting for both learning and fun.
National Doctors Day 2022
On this National Doctors' Day, a message from Dr. Joe Nicholson, CareAllies' chief medical officer.
CareAllies Physician Leadership Institute - November 2021
Thank you to our physician leaders for attending our latest Physician Leadership Institute. We had an engaged audience, asking insightful questions. We're also grateful to our array of knowledgeable presenters: Peter Gardner, Dr. William Torkildsen, Virginia Mimmack, Dr. Ramapriya Suresh, Dr. Emmanuel Odi, Dr. Anuradha Reddy, Chaun Tatum-Williams, Becky Trotter, Dr. Elizabeth Stahl, and Dr. Zaher Shebib.
PEAR program graduates and incoming
We are so proud of our latest Provider Engagement Administration Residency program's graduates, and we are excited to welcome our incoming cohort! We're also hiring for 2022-2023 cohort in the Birmingham, Houston, Nashville and Philadelphia markets! 🎉
To learn more about this program, or to apply, click here: https://bit.ly/3CYN05E
PLI June 2021
Another successful Physician Leadership Institute in the books, with a whopping 5.25 CME credits offered! Thank you to our physician leaders who attended virtually, and we hope to see you in person (we hope!) at our next PLI in November! 👏
Regulatory Review: May 2021
Kathleen Gravelle, CareAllies Chief Risk Officer, provides an update on health care-related actions made by the federal government, including the Medicare Hospital IPPS proposed rule and MIPS program exceptions. #HealthCare #HealthRegulations
Regulatory Review: April 2021
Kathleen Gravelle, CareAllies Chief Risk Officer, provides an update on health care-related actions made by the federal government, including the #Medicare sequester and CMS Innovation Center announcements. https://bit.ly/2PxcPFX #HealthCare #HealthRegulations
Register Now
This month at NAACOS's Spring 2021 Conference, Erin DeLoreto, CareAllies VP of Value-Based Programs, will discuss what the APP and upcoming changes to CMS quality reporting mean for ACOs. Click to register: https://bit.ly/3mYHE2u #NAACOS
Register Now
Attending AMGA's Annual Conference? Dr. Joe Nicholson, CareAllies Chief Medical Officer, and Dr. William Torkildsen, Valley Organized Physicians Chairman, will share how true partnership can significantly improve practices’ financial results and patient outcomes. Click to register: https://bit.ly/3tgT2Jr #AC21
Regulatory Review: March 2021
PEAR Recruits
We're so excited to introduce our latest Provider Engagement Administration Residency cohort! These six promising recruits, who started July 13th, were selected from a pool of over 80 applicants. We can't wait to follow their progress!
To learn more about this program, or to apply, click here: https://bit.ly/31wcaaX
Dr. Wui video - Questions to Ask After a Hospital Discharge
In our latest "Questions from CareAllies Doctors" video, Dr. Marilou Wui, Medical Principal for CareAllies, shares questions you can ask yourself or a loved one when going home after a hospital stay. #COVID19
Identifying Emotional Stress of Your Loved Ones
Watch Dr. Joe Nicholson, CareAllies Chief Medical Officer, sharing questions to ask yourself and your loved ones as COVID-19 restrictions are loosened.