Tune In…. Don’t miss it!! Check out a another great CNA lab session by one of our amazing instructors Ms. Smith!! NEW CAREER. NEW YOU!!! #smi #smithwoodmedicalinstitute💙 #careercollege #careertraining #healthcare #healthcareworkers #medical #medicaltraining #CNA #careergoals #schools #medicalschool #enrollment #htx #houstontexas #houstoncna #phlebotomy #EKG #nurse #nurseassistant #certifiednursingassistant
Listen in as we get one of our new classes off to a fantastic start! Introduce yourself to us today as we would love to meet YOU and get YOU started TODAY!!
Call us TODAY!! Our enrollment specialists are waiting for you!! We have online and in-person classes to offer!! Great PROMOTIONS are still available!! Don’t delay, call today! #SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstitute💙 #careercollege #careergoals #medical #healthcare #healthcaretraining #CNA #nursing #certifiednursingassistant #phlebotomy #phlebotomist #ekgtechnician #medicaltraining
Thriving Thursday’s!!!
Another great lab lesson…. Listen in….
Just a little sneak peak of one our Students returning demonstration in the lab as to show a group of other SMI Phlebotomy students
LESSON: Continued Venipuncture Process
#SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #Phlebotomy #medical #healthcare #careergoals #careercollege #blooddraw #labwork
TEACH TUESDAYS: Another great lab lesson…. Listen in….
Just a little sneak peak of one our SMI Instructors, Ms. Belicia, teaching proper lab technique to a group of our SMI Phlebotomy students and how to listen to your patients and adjust, awesome work Ms. Belicia and students!
LESSON: Proper Lab Technique
#SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #Phlebotomy #medical #healthcare #careergoals #career #careercollege #blooddraw #medicalassistantstudent #medicalassistant #labwork
EKG!!! Check out our EKG students giving their analytical presentation to their EKG class. Awesome explanation students, great teaching Dr. Robert… listen in!
Call us TODAY!! Our enrollment specialists are waiting for you!! We have online and in-person classes to offer!! Great PROMOTIONS are still available!! Don’t delay, call today! #SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstitute💙 #careercollege #careergoals #medical #healthcare #healthcaretraining #CNA #nursing #certifiednursingassistant #phlebotomy #phlebotomist #ekgtechnician #medicaltraining
CNA Lab session in FULL EFFECT!!! Great job Ms. Paula!! Some of our CNA students practicing the feeding skill in lab. Our SMI Instructors are all hands on with teaching as we actually care about you learning the skill correctly.
TEACH TUESDAYS: Properly Feeding Your Patient
SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #careergoals #healthcare #medical #careercollege #nursingschool #CNA #nursingstudent #nursingassistant
TEACH TUESDAYS: Another great lab lesson…. Listen in….
Just a little sneak peak of one our SMI Instructors, Ms. Macy, having a student return demonstration on proper lab technique to a group of our SMI Phlebotomy students, awesome work Ms. Macy and students!
LESSON: Demo Proper Lab Technique
#SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #Phlebotomy #medical #healthcare #careergoals #career #careercollege #blooddraw #medicalassistantstudent #medicalassistant #labwork
Teach Tuesday’s!!!
Another great lab lesson…. Listen in….
Students returning demonstration in lab. Focused. Determined. Success.
Just a little sneak peak of one our SMI Instructors Ms. Belicia observing a group of our SMI Phlebotomy students on venipuncture, blood draws
LESSON: Continued Venipuncture Process
#SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #Phlebotomy #medical #healthcare #careergoals #medicaltraining #career #careercollege #blooddraw #labwork
TEACH TUESDAYS: Another great lab lesson…. Listen in….
Just a little sneak peak of one our SMI Instructors, Ms. Belicia, teaching proper lab technique to a group of our SMI Phlebotomy students, awesome work Ms. Belicia and students!
LESSON: Proper Lab Technique
#SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #Phlebotomy #medical #healthcare #careergoals #career #careercollege #blooddraw #medicalassistantstudent #medicalassistant #labwork
Thriving Thursday’s!!!
Another great lab lesson…. Listen in….
Just a little sneak peak of one our SMI Instructors Macy demonstrated to a group of our SMI Phlebotomy students
LESSON: Continued Venipuncture Process
#SMI #smithwoodmedicalinstituteđź’™ #Phlebotomy #medical #healthcare #careergoals #careercollege #blooddraw #labwork
Tune In…. Don’t miss it!! Check out a another great CNA lab session by one of our amazing instructors!!