If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, HUG A TREE!!! Simply being out in nature improves our mental and physical health and reduces our risk of everything from DEPRESSION to CANCER! Get more natural remedy! In this video I’ll tell you why! #treehugger #nature #health #outside #natureishealing #doctor #medicine
This is what happens when stuck at home in quarantine for the weekend and left to my own devices ... someone get me out of here! //Esto es lo que me pasa cuando me dejan solo en casa durante un fin de semana de cuarentena. Rescátenme! #coronavirus #mycorona #mysharona #parody #quarantine #togetherathome #withyou #actor #doctor #dactor
Amigos haré un instagram en directo a las 5PM PST EL LUNES 11 de MAYO para contestar todas sus preguntas sobre el coronavirus y sobre nuestras vidas durante la pandemia ... también de mi vida de actor si quieren saber más :-)
#coronavirus #pandemia #cuarantena #allateespero #actor #medico #janethevirgin #colombia #salud
Hey all! Here’s a snippet from my new video on steps you can take to stay sane during the quarantine lockdown. Step one: keep a schedule! Just for fun here is my morning routine :-) Check out the full video on IGTV or on my YouTube channel under Bedside Manor. Link in bio! #coronavirus #quarantine #stress #meditate #doctor #mentalhealth
Coming a bit unhinged during the lockdown? Here are 3 things you can do to help reduce those feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Hope they help! #BedsideManor #doctor #coronavirus #pandemic #stress #quarantine
Hey guys! Welcome to “Bedside Manor,” my new channel born out of the quarantine, bringing medicine from my home to yours. Here I tackle one of the questions I most get asked about the Coronavirus. Got another question? Ask it here! For the full video check it out on my YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/z1F2LjG5F14 #corona #coronavirus #covid19 #testing #doctor #actor #dacter
Dr. Keller explains how Food Lovers Fat Loss System helps you lose weight and keep it off.
Dr. Wortham's TV appearances