As many of you know, Synergy has commenced a Bible study this past Tuesday, and it was a GREAT success! The title of this series is "Biblical Principles of Health: Getting Your Health Right with God."
It is incredible to see many people awakening to the issues within modern medicine, also known as allopathic medicine, or traditional medicine, or as some may say...."real" doctors.
It's important to note that real doctors do no harm.
While those who enroll in allopathic medical school typically have good intentions to help people, they are not trained to promote or enhance health.
The root word of "pharmaceutical" is "Pharmakeia," which is witchcraft in the Bible. If there's one thing satan wants to do, it's to control you and steer you further away from health, causing death and destruction. satan despises creation, which is YOU.
The study takes place on Tuesday evenings from 6 PM to 8 PM at the office. For more information, please contact us at 480-550-5087.