Baby is like WOAH look at all this room 😂😂
💓R O M A N T I C I Z E 💓 your life.
Find joy in what you’re able to accomplish each day, love it, embrace it. You don’t HAVE to wake up and go to work, you GET to wake up and go to work. You don’t HAVE to exercise you GET to exercise because you’re healthy enough (physically and mentally) to get out of bed and move your body.
Romanticizing the little things has made a huge impact on how i view things. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is making your life as enjoyable as possible, as PLEASANT as possible— that should be the goal. Life is not easy and sweating about the small stuff does not make life more enjoyable, it makes life a lot worse.
When I’m enjoying life that means I’m surrounded by nature, whether it’s the mountains or the beach or just a big open field letting my dogs runs wild. I’m enjoying life when I’m with friends who i don’t have to turn my social battery on for, they are just awesome company that doesn’t require work. I’m enjoying life when i get to spend uninterrupted time with my husband doing the things like walking our dogs, being active, getting outside, and enjoying craft beers or trying new cocktails. On the smaller scale i enjoy waking up early when the rest of the world is still asleep or getting ready for work and i don’t feel the need to check my social medias because the world is quiet, and i get to enjoy my coffee by the fire alone and get to think of what i want to accomplish in that day. I enjoy life when i get to try new recipes or try new things for the first time.
WHAT makes YOU enjoy life more? How are you implementing this daily into 2024? What do you need to change so your life if more enjoyable?
Things to ponder over on this weeks edition of ✨Wellness Wednesday✨
This is the type of stuff i get into during my monthly meditation and mimosas event i hold every second Sunday of each month! If this interests you, we will be romanizing about our lives and doing a whole
So hear me out… what about Wellness THURSDAY??? LOL life got away from me this week, i filmed this last night but still forgot to post it!
I neverrrrrrr get sick (*knocks on 🪵 *) and contribute that to healthy and happy nervous system & immune system. This is something i prep every week and take a shot of on an empty stomach every morning!
Recipe below ⬇️
2 medium sized oranges, peeled
juice of 3 lemons
1/3 cup of chopped fresh ginger
2 tbs honey (ideally raw or local)
3/4 tsp ground tumeric
a few cracks of fresh ground pepper
2 cups water or coconut water
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Strain mixture through a fine-mesh sieve over a large bowl. push any trapped liquid though the sieve with the back of a spoon. (discard the pulp or freeze it and throw it into a smoothie)
Transfer liquid to a jar, seal tightly, and store in the fridge for up to one week.
Separation is normal, just give it a quick shake before taking your shot!
Cheers 🥂
Xo Dr Brooke 💓