Inner Progression

Inner Progression Welcome to the world of actuality and real truths as your life is an expression of your mind Compreh

One of the most substantial obstacles to achieving Inner Progression is your emotions and the absence of understanding. To aid you in activating the inner energies of your true self and attain inner progression, it is necessary to know yourself and to comprehend the energies which influence you and every aspect of your life. The energies of your ideas and emotions as well as outside energies, arch

itect and conduct your life. Unfavourable or Negative ideas lead to detrimental reactions and equivalent feelings of self-limitations, justifications, concerns, anxieties} and even insecurities which have the potential to hold you in a psychological dungeon. The energies sheathe you and take their toll on all facets of your life. You need to consider that optimism or positive thinking is not enough to progress through life. Via the application of knowledge, you can acquire an understanding of the intricate and governing energies of the psychological mind. Discover your true power, to regulate energies of the mind enabling aware, mindful, and informed decisions anytime in your life. All of us can identify with the loss of control of situations, time, energy or productivity and their effects on the mind and body when we are emotional. Realise that you are not simply a material form, you are composed of various integrated energy bodies which are all affected by energies within and around you. Employing techniques such as cognition, you can unleash the hidden potential within to overcome the physical, mental and psychological limitations in life. Within higher states of consciousness, you have the opportunity to circumvent your preprograming patterns of thinking and belief. You can reach your inner self to activate and utilise the energies of your Life Force for balance, harmony, upliftment and psychological well-being. The more the energies of your Life Force awaken, the more opportunities will become evident in your life.


29th July 2024
On the 21st July, the Sun moved into the Cancer Dominion for approximately 21 days. Cancer is to material and spiritual water energies and affects & controls the destiny of all life. Very strong influences from Gemini to Air energies, and even stronger influences from Leo to Fire energies and from Hydra, the nine-headed Serpent to Karmic emotions, give Cancer a completely different flavour compared to all the other constellations.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


15th July 2024
Gemini energies bring out the seeker; but not only for wisdom, but for stronger material gratification. The main ENERGIES of Gemini affect the Mental mind & Life Force mind to mental and Karmic response, affecting the emotional and mental bodies of humanity via all twelve Dominions.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


1st July 2024
Gemini has TREMENDOUS CONTROL over all the actions of humanity, as well as mental and emotional control over all the constellations. MERCURY, to the lower & higher aspects of mind, RULES Gemini, and continually affects you through all the planetary energies. Realise each planet has greater or lesser emotions attached to it.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


24th June 2024
From 21 June to 20 July (29.2 days) the Sun will be in the GEMINI dominion. UNDERSTAND REALITY: Gemini is the force which brings about change within a human being for the awakening of higher wisdom. It is initially the KEY to register contact with the inner self, the awakening of the Life Force within.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


17th June 2024
Maintain harmony and balance and the Ta**us vibration then brings forward INNER STRENGTH & FORTITUDE. Hold yourself to very materialistic ends, then the vibration is to the NEGATIVE and all it stands for: bullying, contempt, grouchiness, hesitancy, judgmental, laziness, regret, senseless, shame, stubbornness, embarrassment, & unscrupulous.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


10th June 2024
Continually strive to maintain your balance and not allow the increasing energies of Ta**us to affect & intensify your emotions. This can result in blockages within the lines of force within you, creating physical pain. Give kindly to others, do not take advantage of others, help and assist others, and control your animal nature.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


3rd June 2024
The Sun & 4 planets are now in Ta**us. Through the IMPACT of these energies, you may feel stuck in the mud and become headstrong, stubborn, & even bull-headed; unable to see the forest for the trees; wanting to win an argument at any cost. DON’T FALL INTO THE TRAP.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


27th May 2024
Large disruptions and alterations in one’s character and direction in life can take place via two of the main aspects of Ta**us: selfishness and self-gratification. As the energies of the Ta**us dominion increase, your emotions & feelings will bring you face to face with the past. Maintain control by holding your thoughts and emotions in abeyance.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


20th May 2024
Within each constellation, there are different degrees of power & aspects. Consider each planet relevant to their material or spiritual influence. The Sun has moved into the Ta**us dominion for 38.2 days. This dominion will bring you face to face with PAST KARMA. Ruled by Venus to the emotions, boosted by Mercury to the mind, and other very strong planetary influences, all unpaid debts will surface as the energies increase.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


13th May 2024
ARIES is the enemy of wrong thought, wrong speech, and warped ideas. It is Aries, a Fire constellation, which IGNITES the impulse of the Inner Self and AWAKENS your Life Force from its inner sleep. Through Aries, you REALIZE that there is more to life than life itself. Your awareness increases to search for understanding.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


6th May 2024
The energies of the Aries dominion will affect and increase your weaknesses and strengths through your thoughts & emotions. Negative energies will feed stress, nervousness, depression & violent tendencies. To the positive, the energies bring forward enthusiasm, connection, daring, helpfulness, and maturity. Which will you choose?

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


29 April 2024
Mars through Aries, will continually try to bombard humanity with energies to create weaknesses, temptations, or hypertension. Realise the tremendous power your mental mind holds within it, and the amount of harm you can cause yourself and others through your thoughts, and their reactionary deep-seated emotions and feelings.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


22nd April 2024
From 19 April to 14 May (25.4 days) the Sun is in the Aries dominion. Aries is a very powerful mental sign. Aries, a fire constellation, is RULED BY MARS the God of War symbolising the Fire of the Mind. Mars increases the energy into your mental mind and body, bringing with it deep-seated emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


15th April 2024
What is it that makes you act, react, and think the way that you do? REALISE your thoughts and emotions are continually affected and confronted by the energies of the constellations via the sun, via the moon & via the Planets.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


8th April 2024
The key to understanding Pisces is that ALL the other constellations affect the Pisces vibration resulting in MANY DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES to this sign: the astute, cold, business person; the composers of beautiful music, and/or angels of mercy devoting their lives to others in their life.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


1st April 2024
Examples of the negative aspects of the Pisces constellation are: cold, unethical, rigid, and weak. Positive aspects are: calmness, empathy, creativeness & dynamic. Strive continually to stay positive to allow the quietness and strength of Pisces to translate within you.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


25th March 2024
The seeds sown in the past, negative or positive, will come into fruition in Pisces. The Pisces vibration continually pulls you down into the depths of emotion; or upwards into higher states of consciousness. Dwelling on the negative will create the domino effect of mental, emotional & physical consequences. Dwell on the positive for balance in your life.
This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


18th March 2024
The Sun has moved into the Pisces dominion. (From 12 March until 19 April (37.4 days).) Pisces is to the Water element and therefore has a strong relationship to the emotions and feelings. Pisces is also a sign of Causality (Karma) or ripe destiny; of REAPING WHAT HAS BEEN SOWN IN THE PAST.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


11th March 2024
The Earth upon which we live, draws its energizing and life-giving properties from the constellations Via the Sun. All the constellation’s energies pass through all those changes necessary to give the required opportunities for each human being to evolve the Life Force, the True self, that is inherent within them.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


4th March 2024
Each star, constellation and planet within our Solar System has a set energy and influence which is IMPRINTED with negative and positive aspects. Negative aspects of Aquarius will feed the ego and bring forward self-righteousness tendencies. Whereas, positive Aquarius is the sign of friendship, fellowship & brotherhood, equality for all people, all nations, and all races.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


26th February 2024
In the background of Aquarius, Saturn to emotional responses to causality (Cause & Effect), has a tremendous influence. The selfishness and self-centred vibrations of material Saturn can create grave problems. Strive to hold BALANCE and NOT allow your thoughts to dwell upon negativity and despondency.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


19th February 2024
The Sun is now in Aquarius for 24 days. The background is to the Air element, but its whole being represents Water. The Spiritual Water is flowing continually to EQUALLY affect your negative and positive thoughts & emotions; AWAKENING new understanding through the positive, or DISTORTING reasoning and responsibility through the negative.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


12th February 2024
There are no good or bad planets. Everything is in relationship to your destiny or challenges in life and HOW you view them, or live your life. Based on your own individual astronomical programming, you react to and process planetary & constellation energies according to the causality (karma) stored within you and your Life Force personality.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


5th February 2024
Nervousness, despondency, & sickly feelings within the Solar Plexus are symptoms of Saturn overload. To offset: be GRATEFUL for all those simple things that are good in your life. Be patient, kind and understanding to yourself & others, and hold disillusionment at bay.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


29th January 2024
It is the ENERGIES of your thoughts & emotional reactions which drive the principle of Karma (causality). Strive to APPLY calm and unemotional reasoning and common sense in whatever you think, say, or do, to offset the extremely strong Saturn influence impacting the Earth at this time.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


22nd January 2024
On the 20th January the Sun moved into the CAPRICORN dominion for 27.4 days. Capricorn is ruled by the planet SATURN to karmic reaction. This dominion has a tremendous influence on the welfare of humanity, as Saturn's controlling aspect continually impacts; forcing individuals to FACE REALITY and strive to balance with it.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


15th January 2024
To slowly SEVER those planetary ties which bind you, USE your THOUGHTS CORRECTLY. Stop thinking things about people that you should not think. Apply HARMLESSNESS in your daily life: which is right thought, right speech, and right action.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


8th January 2024
BE AWARE, the nature of Sagittarius is such that the EMOTIONAL ENERGIES can draw you down; and if you are not careful, hold you down for long periods. Strive continually to bring forward positive constructive thoughts & attitudes.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


1st January 2024
Consider that EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGY. Welcome to the world of actuality and real truths. The influence and energies of the Sun, Moon, planets & constellations are always CONSTANT & PRESENT. Their effects upon our daily lives are quite dramatic, and yet we are so often unaware of how these ENERGIES SHAPE & INFLUENCE OUR LIVES.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


25th December 2023
On the 19th December the sun entered the SAGITTARIUS dominion for 33.5 days. Sagittarius is a sign of CHANGE and CHALLENGE and is one of the main dominions for PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT. Within this dominion, humanity struggles endlessly with the negative and positive energies within creation.

This chart is based on the TRUE locations of the Sun, Moon, constellations & planets. For more information about the science of astronomical astrology visit us at


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