❤️🔥 🔱 🐅 Divine Community Circle for All: LGBTQIA+ & Allies: This Wednesday after our CCY class, 7:15pm
When I first found spiritual community, I often felt left out. When I went to my first in-studio yoga class, no one looked like me & when I tried to talk to the teacher afterwards, he was too busy. I didn’t return to a yoga studio for over 8 years. They didn’t seem like a place for me. Then I would hear about “moon circles” or womens circles doing interesting rituals & practices, but because I wasn’t a “woman” I couldn’t attend. Luckily, I persisted in my spiritual practice, found my community, & healed all of those early spiritual wounds. And now it’s a dream to do something like this with a supportive community & have it be open to everyone! Because everyone can benefit from these practices.
🙏 Let's try again, after the rain last week!
A space where we can all celebrate our true Divine Self and since we ALL consist of Shiva/ Shakti, Yin/Yang, Sun/Moon, masculine/feminine, this is open to ANYONE interested in going deeper in community, intention setting, and ritual. While gendered words are used to discuss this, that’s only because we are lacking the right words. We are all made up of a mixture of energy and we can use and honor what’s most important to ourselves to assist us in our own awakening. In the end there is no separation, we’re simply fooled by our world, by our mind, & certainly by our society.
And on Wed in this circle we’ll celebrate the Divine Mother, Durga on the last day of Navratri. Durga is the representation of the divine feminine or Shakti energy in the universe and within each of us. She is the sacred rage that helps us stand up for ourselves, she is the hug we needed from our friends, she is the compassion we show ourselves during hard times. She is all of those parts and more. But most importantly, Ma Durga is a connection to the divinity that is already within each of us. We can work with this Shakti energy to connect to our true self and awaken the beauty that has always been there!
At this gathering, we'll set intentions, build an altar, chant, meditate, & work to access & awaken the Durga that is within each of us!
Please bring an offering for the altar—incense, fruit, flower, a crystal, whatever feels right.