Well being and happiness are lessons worth learning and carrying through our lives.
#ctsr #traumaticstress #historicaltrauma #intergenerationaltrauma #racebasedtraumatrauma #resilience #mental health #wellness #wellbeing
We all have a role to play! Why don't you help support someone today? Visit our website for additional helpful resources www.xula.edu/ctsr/.
#ctsr #traumaticstress #historicaltrauma #intergenerationaltrauma #racebasedtraumatrauma #resilience #mentalhealth #wellness #wellbeing
Happy Women's History Month from the Center of Traumatic Stress Research! Studies have found that African American mothers, who are raising sons in the context of Black Lives Matter, have exacerbated stress, mental strain, and tension. Some mothers have not only experienced this, but grieved the loss of a child to community and state violence. The Mothers of the Movement have used their grief to inspire them to advocate for social reform. CTSR focuses on investigating mental health as it relates to traumatic stress and seeks to discover interventions that mitigate the effect of traumatic stress. Find the most recent newsletter via #linkinbio .
#mentalhealth #hbcu #mentalhealthawareness #stress