SOMETIMES two under two looks like 💕💕💕
SOMETIMES two under two looks like 💕💕💕
SOMETIMES two under two looks like 💕💕💕
Each year my family sets intentions for the new year. Usually, it’s 10 minutes before the clock strikes 12 on New Years Eve in the corner at a family party. The past couple years have been a little different and this year in particular holds lots of transitions for us. On the last full moon of the year, we gathered on our living room floor around my birthing altar, sipped pomegranate tea from my bestie @thebeauteaco_ and wrote our intentions for the new year along with what we are grateful for. The things we’re leaving behind in 2021 -we shared aloud as we threw into a bonfire filled with wood and dragons blood gifted from my sis @j_queen_things. After we were done, J and I prepared foot baths for one another while Hill Heru played in our water and Ryan got some alone time smoking a cigar. This is our last year as a family of 4 and our last year together before J goes to college. I’m grateful for these sweet moments and for creating traditions with some of the people I love the most.
All about that bump @lgdoula