❔What if I told you there was a way to turn down the intensity of your emotional mind to allow your logical mind to stay in the driver’s seat?
😤 Would you like to be free from being impulsive and reactive?
You don’t have to be a Vulcan to be as cool, collected, and logical as Spock.
✨ Tap into the technology of yoga. A consistent meditation practice creates space for you to explore the depths of your inner world, finding stillness and presence while quieting chaotic mental chatter.
🔁 Practice on your mat or cushion translates to more self-awareness and control in all areas of your life.
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🧘♂️Have you tried any of these? Which is your fave? Leave a comment below.
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#meditation #focus #beginnermeditation #engineeringwellbeing #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
Remember, the simple act of paying attention can lead to aha moments and innovation.🔥🌐
When you cultivate a regular meditation practice, you sharpen your ability to be fully present, and actively engaging, with your environment. 🎯 Take a moment today to look around. What do you see that you usually overlook?
💡Let’s invite mindfulness into all areas of our lives. Take time every day to pause, breathe and center yourself. Who knows what you might discover? 🌌👀
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#capturemoments #teatime #awareness #mindfulness #consciousawareness #engineeringwellbeing #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
🦋Ever found yourself in awe of a moment that someone else entirely missed? Many people wander through life catching only glimpses of the world’s beauty because they’re not truly present. 🙋🏽♀️ What if you could see more, feel more, and truly experience the wonders around you?
(🎥 This is the moth I talked about noticing while I was at a dance party in Brooklyn. ICYMI, watch the replay of my IG Live on 9.3.24 called “Do you sleep walk?”)
🧠 Meditation isn’t just a practice for inner peace. It’s a tool to help you perceive and appreciate things that could go completely unnoticed. Here are three ways that meditation helps you better appreciate the world around you:
1️⃣ Enhances perception: Regular meditation practice can heighten your sensory awareness, enabling you to notice more of the world’s details and subtleties. A study published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement suggests that mindfulness meditation, in particular, can help improve sustained attention and sensory processing (Smith et al., 2020).
2️⃣ Encourages presence: Meditation trains you to live in the moment. This enhanced presence can make everyday experiences more vivid and enjoyable.
3️⃣ Eliminates clutter: Meditation helps clear mental clutter, reducing your cognitive load and enabling clearer thinking and problem-solving.
⏲️Just a few minutes a day can open the door to a more conscious and aware existence. Whether it’s noticing the intricate design of a leaf or the subtle nuances of a complex data set, meditation prepares your mind to be fully present and engaged. Dive into the practice and watch as the world reveals its wonders to you.
❓Are you also intrigued by the mechanics and science behind yoga and mindfulness? Follow for a blend of science and ancient wisdom through the lens of an engineer.
#consciousawareness #awareness #conscious #meditationforbeginners #mindfulliving #mindfulness #mindfulnessinstem #pranayamarose
09.03.2024 Do you sleep walk? 🚶😴
📖Story time
🧠Defining consciuosness
🧘Benefits of meditation for heightened awareness
#consciousawareness #meditationforbeginners #mindfulliving #mindfulness #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
📚It may be back-to-school season but, in my world, school is in session year-round. As an engineer⚛️, I’m always looking to deepen my understanding of the fundamental parts of our world. 🤓 This fall, that curiosity is leading me into the study of neuroscience to further deepen my grasp of yoga from a scientific perspective.
💡In Part 1 of this HarvardX “Fundamentals of Neuroscience” class, I’ll be exploring the Electronic Properties of Neurons, including…
🧠 Neuron Functions: Understanding the roles of different parts of a neuron.
⚡ Electrical Properties: Learning how nerve cells communicate and react.
🌟 Action Potential Dynamics: Delving into the processes that affect our brain activities, all with an eye for what happens during yoga practice.
Over the coming weeks, I’ll share the most compelling insights and ‘aha’ moments from my studies.
❓Are you also intrigued by the mechanics and science behind yoga? Stay tuned and follow for a blend of science and ancient wisdom through the lens of an engineer.
#neuroscienceofyoga #engineeringwellbeing #yogateacher #growthmindset #backtoschool #pranyamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
🌊🐚National Beach Day shines a light on the critical issues facing sea birds and ocean mammals due to the harmful trash left on beaches.
☀️⛱️Many people will go and enjoy the beach on this Labor Day Weekend. If that’s you, take a moment to reflect on ahimsa—non-violence towards all beings and the environment. It’s one of the yamas, the ethical principles in the first limb of yoga.
Among the goals of yoga is to develop compassion, awareness and kindness. Go ahead and carry this practice with you beachside. Lewve nothing behind. 😉
What’s your favorite beach? Leave a comment below.
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#nationalbeachday #ahimsa #beachyoga #mindfulliving #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
☀️The summer season comes with its fair share of stress, whetherv it’s pressure to make the most of the hot weather, more frequent events and parties, or other disruptions to our life routines.
🚨Sometimes your body tells you it needs to slow down. It’s important to listen and give it space and time to recharge.
💡Here are 5️⃣ practical ways to help you slow down and take care of your well-being:
1️⃣ Prioritize Sleep: Quality rest is foundational to allow your body and brain to perform regular maintenance activities.
2️⃣ Seek Stillness: Reduce your speed. Use mindful meditation to quiet your mind and boost mental clarity.
3️⃣ Gentle Yoga: Gentle practices (like yin or restorative) help your physical health and support a more reflective state of mind.
4️⃣ Conscious Eating: The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine suggest that we avoid iced beverages and cold food that can be hard to digest at this time when digestive fire is dimmer. Additionally, slowing down while eating helps with digestion.
5️⃣ Body Work: Regularly schedule sessions for acupuncture or massage to deeply relax and move your energy.
Remember, the act of slowing down is not time lost but rather quality gained in every aspect of life. 🌌🧠💪
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#ardhakurmasana #halftortoise #pauseandreflect #slowdown #engineeringwellbeing #seasonalwellness #mindfulliving #yogaathome #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
08.28.2024 Your summer body😎
😖Summer stressors
🎧Listening to your body
☸️Ancient guidance from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda
✅ 5 Well-being Tips
#seasonalwellbeing #seasonalwellness #ancientwisdom #latesummer #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday #engineeringwellbeing
🌿✨ Take pleasure in the simple moments. Stopping to appreciate the small wonders of nature oro even the manmade engineering marvels around you supports for your mental well-being. 😮💨Each pause, each breath of fresh air, enriches your mind and body.
🌴🌳Taking a pause and breathing deeply outdoors can reduce stress hormones like cortisol. When you stop to take a deep breath, it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and recovery in the body.
🧠 Being present helps you to break from the train of constant stimulation and everyday thought patterns that can include stress and worry. Think of allowing the brain to rest and recover like rebooting a computer.💻
❔How do you appreciate life’s simple moments? Comment below.
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#mentalwellbeing #natureheals #mindfulliving #engineeringwellbeing #takeabreak #selfcompassion #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
🛑 Living in stress and busy-ness is being in survival mode. 🚫 To perform at your best, rest and relaxation aren’t just nice-to-haves—they’re must-haves! 🌟
👷🏾♀️🧑💻As you engineering and ops peeps know, even machines require downtime for maintenance, and so do you. Take your well-deserved breaks to refresh and reboot. 🌳🧘♂️ Your well-being is essential to unlocking your brilliance.
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#engineeringwellbeing #takeabreak #selfcare #maintenancebreak #mindfulliving #selfcompassion #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday
⚖️ Feeling out of sync? Get back in balance with alternate nostril breathing. This pranayama breathing technique is about harmonizing the energy channels of the body.
🌀 Ida (left channel) is associated with calmness and cooling, while 🌞 Pingala (right channel) is all about energy and warmth.
By practicing alternate nostril breathing, you create a balance between relaxation and revitalization, enhance your focus, calm your mind, and boost your energy levels.
💡Comment SYNC if you want a tutorial on how to do this yogic breathing technique.
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#yogabreathing #alternatenostrilbreathing #nadishodhana #breatheinbreatheout #yogameme #pranayamarose #yogabeyondstretching #yogaeverydamnday