Do You Stretch Your Nerves??
Dr. Scott Weiss on Good Day Sacramento with Iron Mike Tyson
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), affects hundreds of thousands of Americans and costs employers billions of dollars a year. It is caused by using their hands in repetitive motions that put a strain on the tendons of the wrist. Jobs such as Computer users, cashiers, assembly-line workers, meatpackers, sewing machine operators and musicians often get the same injury. Repeated hand or wrist movement can put stress on the tendons, causing them to swell and press on the median nerve. Such pressure causes pain and numbness, and it impairs movement in the hand and fingers. Anything that causes tissues in the carpal tunnel to swell, including pregnancy and thyroid disease, can compress the nerve. We have 5 exercises that you can do to relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which you can add into your daily work or regular workout routine. Check out our article to find out more or give Bodhizone a call to see how we can help:
Contact 212 529 5700 to speak with one of our specialists.
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Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis is a condition where the cause is unknown. Some say its origin is in an autoimmune response but to date, no one is really sure how or why this response happens to the shoulder joint proper. It can occur after a sickness, cold or flu. It can happen after a traumatic injury or simply after a fall on the shoulder or on an outstretched arm. Our experts can give you the best treatment you need to combat Frozen Shoulder, give Bodhizone a call for a consultation.
Find out more on our articles page:
Contact 212 529 5700 to speak with one of our specialists.
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Physical Therapy Video
Visit our site or call us if you are in need of Physical Therapy in New York.
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Call us: 212-529-5700 📲
#PhysicalTherapy #NewYork #LifestylePT #Fitness #Stretches #Massage #Sports #Injury #Backpain #Kneepain
Staffin it
Happy Staff, Healthy Patients = Happy Owners #bodhizone #aristaptw #happynewyear #seasongreetings #wellness
Lack Of Exercise post
Inactivity affects your body in many ways, leading to heart disease, heart attacks and high blood pressure. Inactivity affects the brain by significantly affecting the shape of certain neurons
#PhysicalTherapy #NewYork #Health #Inactivity #HealthyBrains
Did you know training on an empty stomach burns more fat
Whilst most people exercise after eating, it is proven that exercising on an empty stomach will actually burn more fat.
#ChoosePT #NewYork #PhysicalTherapy #FatBurn #Exercise
Power Nap Post
Power naps help to process our unconscious information and improve memory and problem solving.
#ChoosePT #NewYork #PhysicalTherapy #Sleep
Coffee Addict?
Can't go without a cup of coffee every hour? Too much coffee can cause problems, especially in the digestive tract. Why not opt for a small amount of spices in water instead? Proven to help your metabolism.
#PhysicalTherapy #NewYork #Coffee #Metabolism
Sleeping Patterns
By going to bed and waking up the same time everyday (including weekends), you can reduce the risk of developing obesity and diabetes.
#PhysicalTherapy #Sleep #NewYork #Health
Contact Lenses - Microplastic Pollution
Ever washed your contact lenses down the sink, or flushed them down the toilet? Over 2.9 billion lenses end up in US drains. Which is a huge contribution to the microplastic pollution.
Dr. Scott Weiss hopes in the future contact lenses will wear down by the end of the day, giving no reason to throw away.
#PhysicalTherapy #NewYork #Pollution #Plastic #ContactLenses
Carbs are important for the function of our brain and spinal cord, and shouldn't be considered a bad thing. #WednesdayWisdom
#PhysicalTherapy #WednesdayWisdom #NewYork #Fitness #Nutrition
Air We Breathe
The air we breathe is vital, so it's important we breathe in clean air. Did you know that Texas has the worst air?
#PhysicalTherapy #NewYork #Fitness #Health
Physical Therapy is An Emotional Exercise
In the words of Scott Weiss "We are human beings, we have to feel normal" Physical therapy is also an emotion exercise and can impact your mental health for the better.
#ScottWeiss #PhysicalTherapy #NewYork #HealthAndWellbeing #Fitness #MentalHealth