Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles pain, arch pain, joint pains and more benefit from custom orthotics. Only custom orthotics give forefoot and rear foot correction for your foot. These devices usually last for years. Get a pair from the foot and ankle specialists in New York City and Levittown Long Island. #newwestpodiatry #customorthotics #customorthotic #customorthoticinsoles #orthoticsnewyork #footpain #footpainrelief #footpainremedy #footpainsolutions #footpains
Knock out Achilles tendinitis with our in office laser therapy. Painless, quick, 10 minutes per treatment. No needles, no surgery. Make an appointment for an evaluation today. #newwestpodiatry #lasertherapy #laserforachilles #achillestendonitis #achillestreatment #PowerUp
Shockwave therapy is a therapeutic treatment to relieve acute and chronic pain in patients with plantar fasciitis, tendinitis and neuromas. Knock out your foot pain with this pain relieving treatment by our board Certified podiatrists. Visit our website at and make an appointment today. #newwestpodiatry #shockwave #shockwavetherapy #plantarfasciitisrelief #plantarfasciitistreatment #plantarfascitis #plantarfasciitis #plantarfascia #achillestendonitis #achillesrehab #achillestendonitis #achillestendinopathy #achillestendinitis #achillestendonrecovery #achillestendonrepair
Remy class 4 laser to fight ugly nail fungus. Comprehensive, conservative, kind foot care in convenient locations in Manhattan and Long Island #toenailfungus #Newwestpodiatry #uglynails #uglynailsnomore #fungustreatment #fungustoe #fungustoes #fungustoenails #fungustoenail #fungustoestreatment
Warts are a common problem we see in the office. You can catch them from just about anywhere you are barefoot. Always give the feet a good cleanse after the beach, public pool or pedicure. See a podiatrist for treatment of these painful lesions. Our Cryoprobe freeze destroys the wart in a few quick treatments with minimal pain and no downtime. #newwestpodiatry #plantarwarts #plantarwart #plantarwartremoval #plantarwartssuck #plantarwartstreatment #plantarwartremedies #plantarwartremover
Avoid surgery. Avoid pills. Our class 4 laser can alleviate pain and keep you active. #newwestpodiatry #arthritisfoot #arthritisrelief #lasertherapy #footdoctormanhattan #footdoctornyc #footdoctornewyorkcity #footfoctorupperwestside #footdoctorlongisland #footdoctorlevittown #laserfoottherapy #myachingfeet
Epat therapy often works well on Achilles tendonitis and other soft tissue problems of the foot, ankle, and leg. Let the podiatrists of New West Podiatry keep you moving.
Friedbergs arthropathy and other painful foot and ankle arthritic conditions can be safely treated with Remy class 4 laser therapy. Let the podiatrists of New West podiatry help keep you moving and avoiding surgery when possible. #newwestpodiatry #friebergsdisease #arthritisrelief #footpain #footpainrelief #lasertherapy #podiatry #podiatrist #nonsurgicaltreatment
Chronic Achilles tendonitis often responds well to Epat therapy. Let New West Podiatry keep you moving!! Friedbergs arthropathy and other painful foot and ankle arthritic conditions can be safely treated with Remy class 4 laser therapy. Let the podiatrists of New West podiatry help keep you moving and avoiding surgery when possible #shockwavetherapy #achillestendonitis #chronicachilliestendonosis #chronicachilles #newwestpodiatry #podiatry #footpain #epat
Patients, athletes are happy with laser therapy for plantar fasciitis. Painless, effective, cost effective, minimal time. Performed right in the office. #plantarfasciitis #lasertherapy #heelpain #fasciitis #heelspur #footpain #newestpodiatry #podiatrist #laserpainrelief #archpain
Laser for toe nail fungus. #NewWestPodiatry #lasers #Manhattan #LongIsland #Onychomycosis
Neuromas can be painful. Laser therapy can relieve your pain. Make an appointment today. #neuroma #neuromalaser #laserneuroma #lasertherapy #laserfootcare #podiatristnewyork #podiatristlongisland