Free Consultation:
Let's meet and get to know each other. Reaching Me:
I'm just a phone call, text or email away 24/7. Gynecological Care:
These visits are about your GYN needs, concerns, and quick visits to check out any questions, concerns, or new developments that you have noticed with your body. Contraceptive Counseling:
These visits are tailored for your individual needs. Each wom
an has her own needs, desires, and understanding of contraception options, and we discuss them all.
Breastfeeding Counseling:
I breastfed my daughter and it propelled me into helping my clients establish the first excellent latch on right from birth, and beyond. These visits are to follow up and ensure that your baby is latching on well, and answering your questions about breastfeeding, nutrition, hydration, and staying healthy during your breastfeeding period. Holistic Birth Counseling:
Sessions to help women reframe a past medical challenge, prior birth experience, or other emotional challenge that has left you feeling disempowered and disconnected from your baby. Counseling also helps women to identify and move through fears about pregnancy, labor, birth, or mothering. Unresolved fears will resurface and birth counseling is a perfect way to clear them. VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) Counseling:
You bring your medical records and we have a good thorough talk about your prior c section. We reframe and the events leading up to it, and how we can make changes for your upcoming VBAC if it is medically appropriate. TWINS:
I have the experience and the knowledge to guide your twins into this world in a safe and compassionate way. Annual Well Women Care starting at the teenage years and spanning through the menopausal years. This is a comprehensive visit where we do your Pap, Breast exam, and review your nutrition, life style, supplements, and questions. Nutrition Counseling:
These sessions help you take a good hard look at what you are eating for yourself and your baby, and 'tweaking.'
Conscious Conception Counseling:
This session enable you to plan your conception by looking at your nutrition, lifestyle, medical, reproductive history and make changes to maximize your health prior to getting pregnant. Lectures and Events:
I am available to discuss my philosophies about childbirth, well women care, women's reproductive care, and my midwifery practice. Lecture, round table, forum, corporate settings.