March 1st has been designated as Self Injury Awareness Day (SIAD). Self-harm, or self-injury, is physically hurting oneself on purpose without suicidal intentions. This is a sign of emotional distress that should be taken seriously.
As many as 2 million Americans currently engage in self-harm, with methods like cutting, burning, scratching, bruising, and hitting themselves, along with other more harmful methods. According to the Adolescent Self-Injury Foundation (ASIF), every March, the rates of youth self-injury and suicidal behaviors escalate.
🦋Did you know that self-injury is the most significant risk factor for possible subsequent su***de?
🦋Did you know that su***de is the 2nd leading cause of teen death?
🦋Did you know that youth self-injury has become a global public health crisis of epidemic proportions?
🦋Did you know that self-injuring teens are 18 times more likely to possibly commit su***de and 34 times more likely to possibly die of alcohol or drug overdose?
Self harm is treatable. If you or someone you love is suffering, hope is available!❤️
To learn more about self harm and its treatment: