7/23- Day **1/113** (Maintenance Therapy (Cycle 4 of 7))
Today Maddie was supposed to receive an LP and IT Chemo, however; they weren’t able to do her LP today due to her cough/upper respiratory infection and her saying she’s having a hard time breathing. Her cough is starting to sound “barky” again like it did when she had croup a few weeks ago. Maddie also said her throat hurts when she coughs. They were worried about her airway if they sedated her so we made the decision to hold off on the LP. The nurse did say it looks as though Maddie has a virus because she could see her lymph nodes aka they were swollen. So today they just ran labs and she received IV Vincristine. Her ANC was 1700. They weren’t overly concerned about that number even though it’s above what they aim for (500-1500). I was told she has to be at that number for 2 months before they decide to adjust her meds or put her on another hold. She is to be on steroids (dexamethasone) for the next 7 days and she will go back next week for a regular clinic visit. The LP scheduled for today has been moved to the end of August.