#longislandmoms #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #pelvicfloor #obstetricphysicaltherapy #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorhealth #longislandpelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #pelvicpain #incontinence #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth
“Yes. Ok Mommy’s lifting now.”
It’s ok to lift weights as a mom.
It’s ok to lift weights during your period.
It’s ok to lift weights during perimenopause.
It’s ok to lift weights during menopause and beyond.
It’s ok to left weights as a woman.
It’s ok to feel strong in your body.
It’s ok actually more than ok, IT’S HEALTHY!
#pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #weightliftingmom #perimenopause #perimenopausefitness #strengthtraining #momstrength #longislandmoms #longislandpelvicfloortherapist
Let’s go! Deep core activation can help so many common pregnancy and postpartum symptoms in this season of intentionality and rehabilitation!
#obstetricphysicaltherapy #longislandmoms #pelvicfloorhealth #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloor #csectionrecovery #pelvicpain #longislandpelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectirecovery #diastasisrectihealing #pubicsymphysisdysfunction #pubicsymphysispain #momlife #deepcoreexercises #intention #pressureregulation #incontinence #urinaryincontinence
Pelvic floor PT can be addressed from the outside in.
Starting with common stability and core challenges to learn a new movement pattern can be the right start to rehab your body needs
#pelvicfloorexercises #obstetricphysicaltherapy #longislandmoms #pelvicfloorhealth #pelvicfloordysfunction #corestrength #corerehab #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #csectionrecovery #pelvicpain #longislandphysicaltherapy
Why can’t this be the typical postpartum experience?
The practitioner, the mom and the baby.
Baby is safe and in a comfortable place while mom is getting her postpartum care. Yes this is a fluffy stock picture but hopefully there will be more real time pictures and real time moms able to access care immediately postpartum in the hospital, 2 weeks postpartum in home and 4 to forever weeks in order to heal from pregnancy and delivery.
There are so many countries where postpartum PT is a STANDARD of care.
Let’s rally to make the USA one of them!
Follow @the_recovery_method to join the movement. After speaking with the founder this weekend I’ve fanned the 🔥once again and will keep working to make this a reality! #obstetricphysicaltherapy #longislandmoms #usamoms #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #womenshealth #csectionrecovery #physicaltherapy #apta #pelvicfloorhealth #longislandpelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #womensupportingwomen #postpartumcare
Abdominal taping during pregnancy has its benefits. It can facilitate improved posture to decrease back, pubic bone or hip pain (pictured) or it can help with physiological DRA that happens during pregnancy or it can help with low back pain/SI issues. Have any questions? LMK in the comments!#obstetricphysicaltherapy #longislandmoms #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorhealth #physicaltherapy #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #backpain #pregnancybackpain #pubicsymphysisdysfunction #pubicbonepain #longislandpelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #hippain #kinesiotape #pelvicfloordysfunction #fitpregnancy #pregnancyfitness #pregnancyphysiotherapy
#running #pregnancyexercise #obstetricphysicaltherapy #pelvicfloor #physicaltherapy #longislandmoms
How do you feel during menses?
I’m so happy when patient thrive in their every day!
#pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloorhealth #pelvicpain #backpain #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy #hippain #longislandmoms
#pelvicfloorhealth #pelvicfloorexerciserehabilitation #pelvicfloor #womenshealth #laborandelivery #laboringmoms #virtualPT #obstetricphysicaltherapy