Hobbies are a very important part of mental and emotional wellness. Even if you aren't the best at it, if you enjoy it and it's not harming anyone, I say do the damn thing.
#hobby #mentalhealth #wellness #reels #dualrestorativewellness
The Sacral Chakra, also known as the Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the second chakra in the system of seven main chakras. It is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the element of water and is closely linked to our emotional well-being, creativity, and relationships.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with various aspects of our lives, including sensuality, pleasure, passion, and the ability to experience and express emotions. It is also connected to our ability to be creative and embrace change. When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, we experience a healthy flow of emotions, creative inspiration, and a harmonious approach to our relationships and sexuality.
Imbalances in the Sacral Chakra can manifest in different ways. An underactive Sacral Chakra may lead to a lack of creativity, emotional numbness, difficulty in forming intimate connections, and a sense of being stuck.
If you gained anything from this, please like, share and follow. If you think a longer session would help your healing process, go to my website and sign up for a presession meeting. I can do in person sessions and online so distance is not a barrier. 😊
#reiki #sacralchakra #orange #water#reels #dualrestorativewellness
Break the habit of putting everyone before you. Treat yourself how you treat your best friend.
When you're ready to let me aid you in your wellness journey, set up an appointment.
#selfcare #reiki #wellness #reels #dualrestorativewellness