Check out a chapter by Coach Sabrina in this recent #1 International Bestselling book:
THE LIFE COACH’S TOOL KIT, Vol. 3: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Principles, and Activities is a bestselling book to help coaches get amazing results with their clients. Composed of 27 coaching ideas from around the world, this book is a tool kit for performance as a life coach. Today, I’m highlighting the author of Chapter 26, Sabrina Vogler, CPC, CEC, CGSS. Sabrina, a Life and Executive Coach and Grief Specialist, from Asheville, North Carolina, provides a framework for interrupting the cycle of second-guessing by combining emotional regulation techniques, compassionate self-reflection, and practical steps for reframing and accepting one's narrative. Sabrina focuses on how self-compassion can transform clients' relationships with their self-doubt and second-guessing, enabling them to move forward more effectively.