Bear with me for a couple of moments. I just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird which I have seen as a movie several times in my life but never read. This was one of my brother Jim Cullen’s favourite pieces of literature. I thought of him often as I read this because despite the fact that it is 60 years old when written and is set in 1935, it is still extremely relevant today.
It still expresses an us vs them theme of who is right or wrong , better or less.
Atticus the protagonist and his children Jem and Scout represent the pillar of kindness and compassion and the curiosity of why we humans operate the way we do. Their fair inquisitions teach the struggle and ultimate kindness of looking at the world in a way that honours all humans as equally holding a place in this world that we all have a right and responsibility to show up in and to do the best we can.
Our current political situation is the struggle between ultimate power ( ugh) and hope for growth , humanity and equality for our fellow human beings.
I encourage you to circle round and read or re- read this very relevant and beautiful piece of art.
If you are angry about the situation of our country or the world- I encourage you and even dare you to read this or look at a different news source that might offer you an alternate view. I know - that is kind of scary because we like our chosen tribe! Change and exploration requires courage. Be courageous!
Get back to me on this. Let’s keep this a kind conversation and not an argument. My brother Jimmy lived the philosophy of this book and as many of you know Boo Radley was his profile picture since he first entered the world of social media.
Lastly, for those of you that are posting how bad and sad our country is, may I kindly ask what your are actively doing to change the situation other than posting and repeating negativity.
Let’s grow together .
Love to all. ✌️