Do you have a therapist? Does your therapist "call you on your resistance" to therapy -- or more typically your resistance to whatever their present "intervention" is? Every situation is different; every therapeutic relationship unique -- and so for that reason only will I (there's that word again) resist what I want to write, which is "find a new therapist."
But know that whatever "resistance" you exhibit in therapy is the wisdom of your own self-protectiveness. Does it need to be there anymore? Maybe not. But know that listening to it with compassion, and gently inviting it into your new reality -- and not the past one that it's almost certainly, bravely still fighting against -- is far more productive, healing, and sustainable than trying to just get rid of it.
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." --Carl Rogers
Your therapist can either walk with you through this, or else aggressively try to get you to disown certain parts of yourself -- because in this latter case, your therapist has their own agenda, and their need to be a "successful therapist" is superseding their attunement to every part of you.