The medical and social implications of this tragedy are bordering on horrific. The number of lies that company told the FDA continue to be exposed and remain beyond belief horrific. Most importantly, Monsanto told the FDA that the Glyphosate chemical in Roundup broke down in "20 years." That was a lie. There was zero research to support that claim which was blindly accepted by the apparently evil prodrug and disease-causing FDA.
The evidence from Purdue University Department of Agriculture has revealed that Glyphosate may never break down. After 20 years of Glyphosate existing in the ground soil, there has been zero degradation found in that chemical which is actually by chemical classification an antibiotic. When used for over ten years, the good soil bacteria are killed by the Glyphosate "antibiotic." This killing allows the more toxic bacteria to persist and become dominant in the soil. Unfortunately, these toxic bacteria begin to infect our food and thus first affect immune-compromised adults and children and then all of us. These infections have already been occurring in individuals so exposed, e.g., toxic E. Coli and C. Deficile (80% mortality in seniors) from eating salads so infected from the soil.
The farmland exposed to Glyphosate becomes completely sterile after about 10 years of continuous use rendering the soil completely dead and unable to grow anything. Hence, the "5 million-acre project" by the Restore company, a plan to put the Restore supplement molecule into or onto the bacteria depleted soil, thus stimulating the good bacteria to grow again. This information is available online for those who wish to support that project.
In the meantime, please go to momsacrossamerica.com and learn how to eat cleaner food for you and your family. And, try to avoid the flour and bread products and soy products that are so highly Glyphosate contaminated. Also, consider the Restore on my site, aurorahealthandnutrition.com a worthy defense against harmful bacteria, fungus, mold, and yeast accumulation and GI bacterial imbalances.
Dr. Robert Thompson
Monsanto invented the herbicide glyphosate and brought it to market under the trade name Roundup in 1974, after DDT was banned. But it wasn't until the late 1990s that the use of Roundup surged, thanks to Monsanto's ingenious marketing strategy. The strategy? Genetically engineer seeds to grow food....