This is Gua Sha
By now you know that acupuncturists offer more than just needles. Our scope of practice also includes providing nutrition guidance, exercise recommendations, manual therapies like massage and cupping, breathing exercises, and Chinese herbal medicine. In California, we can even order lab tests and imaging studies.
Cupping has been in the news a lot lately since the Olympic swimmers have been seen sporting multiple round marks all over their shoulders. But a technique I like even better is Gua Sha. It works by using a blunt object to gently and firmly "scrape" the skin. With light pressure it can move lymphatic fluids to reduce swelling. Deeper pressure can separate layers of bound up connective tissue to relieve restrictions and pain. Like cupping, gua sha can leave marks on the skin, usually redness or some light bruising which fades in a few days. It's a quick, easy treatment which feels amazing!
#augustmeettheacupuncturist2024 #guasha #acupuncture #balboaparkholisticwellnesscenter
Self care not only isn't selfish, it's NECESSARY.
How are you taking care of yourself today?
#selfcareisntselfish #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen
Playing with making reels and videos. This is far from perfect and took me the entire morning. If you're wondering what I do on my "not in clinic" days, now you know!
#self-care #acupuncture #womenownedbusiness
Acupuncture can help you from the time of first menses all the way to menopause. Did you know that symptoms NOT normal? We can help with that! #acupuncture #womenshealth #fertility #PMS
There are many ways to reduce stress. Herbs are a great addition to acupuncture! #stress #acupuncture #herbaltea #bathtime #selfcare #herbalmedicine
Acupuncture theory is poetic and it just makes sense.
National Heart month is a great time to think about your heart health!
Acupuncture can help you from the time of first menses all the way to menopause. Did you know that symptoms NOT normal? We can help with that!
The ABCs of self care continue on this rainy Tuesday with the letter "F".
So many "F" words to choose from, lol. And while the classically vernacular one would be a great choice (after all, if you're isolated with a partner you still LIKE after 3 weeks, it could be a great choice for relaxation, connection, and more 🤭) BUT I'll resist that temptation and go with more "family friendly" options:
Friendship. How can we reach out and stay connected despite physical distancing?
Forgiveness. It doesn't mean excusing bad behavior, it means letting go of the feelings around that behavior so you can move on.
Feelings. Whatever you're feeling is OK. Honor all the feels and let yourself experience them so they don't get stuck.
Food. How will you nourish yourself today?
And finally, FUN. Many of us are simply not ok right now. As I said above, its OK to be feeling whatever you're feeling. And no matter how good or bad you're feeling, its not just OK, it's important to have some fun. Every day, if even for only 5 minutes, find something FUN to do. Its good medicine for challenging times.
And if you need some professional help working through everything going on physically or emotionally right now, we're offering virtual appointments and can chat with you and provide personalized acupressure, breathing, movement,
supplement, and herb recommendations to make your burdens a little lighter.
The ABCs of self-care: we can all admit things are a bit crazy these days. Some of us are trying to balance the demands of working from home, kids schooling at home, being constantly in close quarters with everyone in our homes. Others of us are facing the financial strain of NOT working and the challenges of finding things to do with too much time on our hands while feeling useless and frustrated. Whatever your situation, it is a different world than we lived in a month ago which comes with a whole new set of challenges as we adjust to a period of staying put in our homes.
While there's a lot we can't control right now, there are some things we CAN. Today I'm talking about the ABCs of staying sane and grounded through the things we can control.
A is for Attitude
B is for Breath
C is for Choices...
Last week I talked about the seven stages of grief. I told you what they are, but didn't really tell you what to DO with this info. Today I'm going to share strategies for moving through the grieving process and getting to the other side.
The continuous to survive cooking 3 meals/day when you're used to eating out...
1) Plan your meals
2) Shop only for the ingredients on your list
3) Use leftovers from one meal as an element in the next.
Stay tuned for more helpful hints for surviving social distancing as and the COVID-19 routine!
We're hosting a Kitchen Medicine event on November 13 which you won't want to miss! Link to registration is on the comments...
Want to try acupuncture, but not sure you have the time? Check out my latest video to find out how long an acupuncture treatment takes!
Three common myths about acupuncture, dispelled here. Check it out :) {link}