Posted • Firstly, I want to say thank you to the whole staff of MuscleContest for putting together such an amazing event last night. I am very grateful of the outcome of the results from my first ever Bodybuilding Competition. For the past 7 months I have had a very strict Nutrition and Training Program from a coach I couldn’t be more thankful for & very appreciative of him. He has pushed me to limits I thought I could never see in myself. I am very much blessed to be have him as my coach and the journey for us to keep working together. We are just getting started! Lasts night outcome was something I didn’t go into the competition thinking would happen, I had a very open mind to have fun, enjoy my first time on stage, and let whatever happens. I had such an amazing time and such a blast being able to meet new people, and share the stage with absolutely amazing competitors. It was a memory that will last forever. Very grateful for god to be by my side through this whole process. Thank you to everyone. Can’t wait to see what the future and god has planned for me.